View Full Version : Water infection

13-06-12, 17:48
Hello all

Have been in a much better place lately and have barely been freakibg out about things that I once did, anyway..

The last week or so I have had a pain on and of where in the lower back on the right side, basically where a kidney is. Coupled with today I have needed to urinate loads. So, I went to the drs (lucky me was able to see someone straight away) he tested my sample and said I have mild infection (slight trace of blood and white cells) he gave me antibiotics for a water infection and my sample will get sent to the lab. He said there's nothing to worry about as he had a feel and couldn't feel anything tender

I know this is just my anxiety rearing it's head but would you w worried or just accept that it's ONLY a water infection and nothing sinister?

13-06-12, 17:59
I've had MANY water infections that have me me feel awful , I've had pain in my kidneys , fever , awful pain when urinating & when not urinating. & they have only been water infections & a dose of antibiotics has cleared it up.
What I'm trying to say is there is nothing to worry about , if this was something more serious u would be in a lot more pain.
Water infections if left untreated can lead to kidney infection which is serious , but u have caught it in early mild stages & antibiotics will clear it up , make sure u take them all to make sure the infection is properly treated , although u will feel better before completing the course of antibiotics but still take them all :)