View Full Version : How long were/have you been in therapy

13-06-12, 20:50
Hi All,

I haven't posted for a while and things are not good at my end. I started therapy with a private registered therapist about 18 months ago and I am not seeing any improvement nothing major anyway, and I am not looking at it from a negative point of view my husband also says he sees no improvement, if anything I am worse at the moment. I don't know what to do whether to carry on or quit and I just wondered how long you have been in therapy and is this normal?

Thanks for reading.

blue moon
14-06-12, 00:05
I never stop therapy even if only to talk about daily events,maybe you see wrong therapist for you.
Petra x

14-06-12, 13:42
Does anyone believe in CBT over meds.I cant seem to manage it and would like some success stories


19-06-12, 20:01
Dear Thinkinimmad85. I do not think that it matters how long you are in therapy for. I have had lots of different types of therapy over the years and reflecting back it was an awful lot most of my young adult life. If you do not think this particular therapy is working then go back to the GP to discuss trying something else especially if you are paying for it? I find that a combination of therapy (for me it is hypnosis and occasional pdoc visits) and quite a strict drug regime keeps me well. I hope that you finds something that works for you? Also something such as acupuncture or massage might work as well especially if you are depressed. Best of luck. EJ.

19-06-12, 21:08
I would encourage you to seek another therapist. Never stop talking to someone who can help. It's so beneficial.

25-07-12, 23:31
I have been in therapy since February 2012, it is now July 2012.
God, I frikin' hate my theripist. :(