View Full Version : i want to die

12-07-06, 23:42
hi, im sorry to rant to you guys but i got no-one else to do it to. i cant cope with this any more, the anxiety is getting on top of me so much and i dont kno what to do, my boyfriends trying to set up his business from home, so he downt really give me alot of attention n help me as much when im feeling **** cos hes trying to get an income. and hes getting fed up of repeating things to me like ur not gonna die or anything but what else can he do, and i need to hear those things, omg i cant cope with hi being like this always arguing with me n having ago when im like this, hes getting anoyed cos i talked to other people about how im feeling more than him but he doesnt understand that i talk to other people that have anxiety cos they r the only people that truly understand, and he hates the fact he will never understand but what can i do about that. i just, i cant cope with the symptoms of this anxiety any more and all the stress life is giving me. im sorry to rant,and thanks so much to anyone who reads all of this and replies, i really appreciate it xxx.

12-07-06, 23:53
hi i have been wer u are many times and im having a little blip at the moment,i so understand what u are saying but one day it will get easier i promise i too have so bad symptoms ive thought how does this ever go,but it can and it will but u need help to beat it.have u ever had cbt or any other help.dont give up this site is always here for you and we will all help u . take care marcia xx

i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

12-07-06, 23:57

Aw poor you. I think we all get so annoyed with ourselves at times and it's normal to go through a bad patch. You are not alone in this and we will do all we can to help youxxx

Hope you feel better soonx

Thinking of youx



polly daydream
13-07-06, 00:23
Hi mate, sorry to hear you are going through such a bad time but things will get better,don't give up, you are stronger than that.

Best wishes,

Polly x

13-07-06, 09:13
Just try to remember the anxiety isn't you it's just something that's hapenning to you...it will pass. Don't feel bad about coming on here and talking to us either.

13-07-06, 09:52
Never say never. For many of us anxiety sufferers, there is a partner or family member who struggles to come to terms with their loved one having what appears to be an invisible illness. In the same way that we need to understand what anxiety is all about and how it works before we can begin to get better, it's the same for them. Of course, the problem is that we find it difficult to express how we feel in any clear terms and as a result, they often get more confused and frustrated than we do!

Perhaps you could suggest to him that he has a look at NMP too - there is a forum for carers here. My partner posts here from time to time as, luckily for me, he was very motivated and interested to find out more as he felt totally helpless in the early days (and this often leads to frustration and then the kind of comments you mention). Education is the key all round - we are all in this together.

Hope you feel a little better.

Eeb xx

13-07-06, 10:46
Aww sorry you are feeling so bad at the moment, a lot of us have been in that place too, but it does get better. It is hard for partners to understand when they have not experienced anxiety themselves, they really don't know what to do. As eeby suggested maybe your bf could read some info on the site just to give him some idea of why you feel the way you do. Hope you feel better soon

Take care

'This too will pass'