View Full Version : Hello, I am new here.

14-06-12, 01:08
Hello everyone,

First of all, you are all adorable people. I feel there is still hope in the world when I see everyone helping each other here. :blush: Thanks in advance and nice to meet you all. I will do my best to help too as much as I can.

I was trying to find a website like this for some time now since I was diagnosed with panic attacks and signs of depression recently.
~I can't start with a proper counselling yet though as I am going back home for the summer~
I seem to have been suffering from them for some years now, but I just didn't know what it was until I came to study abroad and I decided to "disobey" my parents and visit a cousellor. I've got a long story behind the whole matter and I'm still extremely confused about it cause up until now I was always told that I'm just ungrateful and an idiot. . .

I would love to hear your oppinions if you can bare with the length of the whole thing. :noangel:

Thanks again!

14-06-12, 01:17
Hi & :welcome:

Sorry to hear you are having a tough time....lots of lovely people here to offer help and support....I hope you get as much from being here as I have.

Take care,
Kitti :)

14-06-12, 01:21
Hi nantia

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-06-12, 01:26
Thank you very much. ^_^ Nice to meet you!

14-06-12, 08:38
Hey nantia :)

Sure we can bear with the length of the whole thing :)

14-06-12, 09:50
Hi and :ohmy::welcome:
This site is a wonderful place and as helped
me so much, lots of people here to listen and help

14-06-12, 12:44
Thanks guys. :)

14-06-12, 15:43
Just like to say :welcome:
You will get lots of help here

14-06-12, 16:00
Hi :-)

16-06-12, 10:28
Hi Nantia
Feel free to share your story. Don't give up!
I'm new here as well...