View Full Version : Hi all, i thought id just introduce myself agin

14-06-12, 01:13
Well im back after a few months of being away, my panic/anxiety/nervousness is terrible, ive still got the old problems, with a few more added on, ive still got no friends an feel like a freak cos of it, an thanks to my curse, im fightin a battle with aggraphobia, which i feel lazy an stupid.........i can drive but i fear motorways an i just feel secluded and lonely, desperately lonely at times. Im a 45 year old woman an ive just got no life, i try to find one but im at a loss as to what i wanna do, ive brought 4 kids up as a single parent, ive not worked since i was 21 because i was bringing my kids up, i just dont know what to do anymore. 2 of my daughters make my life hell, my eldest daughter has a son who has just been diagnosed with autism, but it will take years to diagnose which spectrum of autism it is, an with my illness im no help bacause he's a handful, she gets into tears, im in tears for her, an i feel guilty because i cant help!!! wtf is wrong with me, im supposed to be the backbone of the family but i just cant get myself motivated, some days i cant concentrate to read anything, and some days i just dont understand what people are saying to me.........wtf! its so frustrating. ive had a colourful past, which i hate talking about, an i do tend not to dwell on it, but nightmares do sometimes bring the past back!

14-06-12, 01:23
:welcome: lins13,

Sounds like you are having a pretty tough time.....hang in there, you'll get lots of support here. Take care.

Kitti :)

14-06-12, 01:24
Hi lins13

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

14-06-12, 10:35
I have had Agorophobia on and off over the past 18 years, the only way to get over it is to force yourself out of the house, even if it causes a panic attack. Go to the end of the street, next time walk a little further, eventually visit your local shop.

I can empathise and understand the lonliness because I have Social Phobia. Yesterday I made myself go to our local Cafe Nero, which I have been avoiding doing, because I have a panic attack when I talk to anyone. I went in the shop to order coffee(decaf) and was really nervous, went to sit outside next to a lady, we had a chat for about 15 minutes and I was OK.

So, take one small step at a time.

About the colourful past, who hasn't!!!!!!!!

14-06-12, 13:07
Hi lins
Welcome and sending big hugs to you, your life sounds
very much like my own, if you want to chat anytime feel free to
message me
Manda xx

14-06-12, 13:37

I hope this site helps :)