View Full Version : 8 weeks on prozac-no real improvement.

14-06-12, 13:28
Hi guys,

Well its nearly been 8 weeks since i was put on 20mg pf prozac. I had horrible side effects for the first few weeks and then a few good days but overall i still feel awful. Anxious, fear and depression.
Have i been on them long enough now to see if they will work? I know anti depressants cant solve everything and i know i have to put in some work myself but i was really expecting to feel better than this.
Is it time to ring my doctor?
I'm dreading having to change to another medication as i'll have to go through it all again!!

Advice and reasurrance much needed.

Thanks. :-)

14-06-12, 13:44
Ity is said it takes up to 12 weeks for anti deps to work but your dosage could be increased. Go and chat to your Gp if you are still feeling that bad


14-06-12, 18:27
Hi - sorry you are not feeling any improvment but totally agree with Joy's comments - go and see your GP around 12 week mark.

Hope you feel better soon


14-06-12, 19:52
Thanks so much for your replies guys. I really appreciate it.

Laura, i hope you're doing ok on your medication. I remember you saying you'd recently started one.

Hugs. x

14-06-12, 20:13
Hi - well been on Citalopram for 7 weeks today - having to up my dose at the weekend - like you not sure if improvement - mind you I was really bad in the first place! also have developed gastritis - stomach acid pain - really hurts. So will start 40mg in a couple of days.

Prozac took 12 weeks to work for me - so looks like this one will be the same.

As regards yourself from 8 to 12 can be a real turning point. If you get to the 12th week and not really happy go and see your doctor and try 40mg - I personally would not change at this stage.

Take care Laura x

24-05-16, 09:30
Hi whitesuki. Can I just ask if the fluxotine started to work for you? Ithe will be 8 weeks for me on Thursday on 20mg and I'm not seeing any improvementsuggestions. I understand I need to help myself too but I agree with what you said, I was hoping I'd have some symptom relief that I'd be able to start recovering x

24-05-16, 09:42
Hi whitesuki. Can I just ask if the fluxotine started to work for you? Ithe will be 8 weeks for me on Thursday on 20mg and I'm not seeing any improvementsuggestions. I understand I need to help myself too but I agree with what you said, I was hoping I'd have some symptom relief that I'd be able to start recovering x

Hi Tardisbrain,

This one is quite old and they may not be around anymore. The OP hasn't logged on since 2012.

Two of the most frequent posters about this med are MrsCav and Genoire. They will be around more so have a look at Geniore's support thread perhaps?

24-05-16, 11:06
Hi whitesuki. Can I just ask if the fluxotine started to work for you? Ithe will be 8 weeks for me on Thursday on 20mg and I'm not seeing any improvementsuggestions. I understand I need to help myself too but I agree with what you said, I was hoping I'd have some symptom relief that I'd be able to start recovering x

I am on Prozac now for 10 weeks can't say I feel any different or maybe this is as good as it gets

25-05-16, 12:33
The online offline thing doesn't work. It's says I'm offline when I'm online
Also says others are online when they are clearly not