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View Full Version : blah.. I think too much computer use or tumor..

13-07-06, 09:02
well, im computer 24/7.. i honestly NEVER get off.. and all i rly drink is colored pop with caffeine =/.. for the last year iv been having headaches and recently i started seeing blue and red colors in my visions, like little splochs that go away after a couple seconds.. and i cant rly sleep good anymore i always feel rly weird n nervous in the mrning or at night.. is this common with too much computer use or could it be a tumor?

13-07-06, 09:32
Hi there, sorry you feel so rough right now. I personally believe that it is not a tumour, but, as you say, the length of time you use the computor. Also the drink in take doesn't sound too healthy either! Try, firstly having more healthy drinks and food, this in itself will help. Then, if poss. cut down the hours you are using your computor, get a little fresh air, everyone deserves a break. Having a little exercise each day, even if it is a short walk will help you sleep at night. take care and keep in touch x

13-07-06, 10:08
Agree with Carlin 100%!
Don't mean to sound nasty with this but it's no wonder your poor brain & body can't switch off - you're going to burn yourself out at this rate!
As far as the Caffeine it's a stimulant enough in moderation but it does sound like you're getting too much. If you really don't like any other sort of drink could you try drinking caffeine-free ones? (although as Carlin says - healthier ones would be better)
good luck
B Wolf

13-07-06, 10:17
Sorry you are not having a great time right now. All that time on the computer is not going to help your eyesight! No wonder your vision is a bit funny. I use computer a lot at work, had lots of headaches because of it and now wear glasses for using VDU screens. i don't think you have a tumour, just need a healthier diet, and some fresh air. I know the computer is addictive, especially when you are stuck inside it can feel like a window to the outside world. Even if you only walk in the garden for a few minutes it will give you some natural light and give your eyes and your brain a bit of a break. Good luck

Take care

'This too will pass'

13-07-06, 23:48
Well, I had CT scans n stuff like 4-5 months ago and they all came back normal.. so wouldnt a tumor forming since then be rare? I'v had most of the same symptoms except the seeing blue/red with my eyes..