View Full Version : Is this a success?

14-06-12, 18:51
Today, after months of stress and two weeks of being signed off work with heightened anxiety/panic as a result of stress, I resigned from my job! I feel quite brave, because I don't have any other guaranteed work to move into, but after musing a lot I felt that work was keeping me down in a rutt, and decided that I must take proactive, positive action to pull myself out, so I did. My job is in a completely unrelated sector to my passions in life - I'm actually a historic objects conservator/museum professional - and I was becoming so frustrated not even being able to volunteer in that sector (because I've been so tired out through worrying about my 'day job') that I'm *sure* it was contributing to my anxiety etc. I'm not sure if it counts as a success in the same way as the other posts here, but I already feel a bit more positive about the possibilities available in my future, so hopefully a return from the 'coal face' of anxiety/panic will soon follow :)

14-06-12, 19:23
I think you have taken a positive step by the sound of it Leah.

By resigning, it will give you back some control over the events in your life, and should give you breathing space to take care of yourself, and then move forward in the direction you desire.

I sometimes think we don't give ourselves enough care, and struggle through something because we think that is the only way. When in reality, we sometimes just have to take that positive step towards our own future being brighter and less stressful. So while it might feel scary resigning, it can often be cathartic I feel. No-one deserves to suffer mentally because they feel there is no other option. Yes there are usually financial pressures, but after having struggled personally for 20 years to work normally, I can relate to your situation, and good luck to you. :)