View Full Version : Think i might have just ingested dog poo

14-06-12, 19:42
I'm genuinely panicking.
Earlier this evening I was cuddling my dog like usual and I kissed her on the lips, I know its bad but i love her like a baby.
My mum then came running in saying the dog had eaten poo that was on my brothers shoe.
I have no idea what kind of poo it is...dog, cat or fox. I'm so worried that I'm going to get sick. The poo was still on her lips I know its gross but after when i smelt her mouth, there was a poo smell.

macc noodle
14-06-12, 20:03
Can I just say that all dogs sniff and lick poo - all the time - it is in their nature ! So chances are if you always let her lick you and you kiss her on the lips, this will not be the first time you "may have ingested poo"

Not worth worrying about - clean your teeth and use your mouthwash and then forget about it.

Macc Noodle

14-06-12, 20:37
I agree with Macc Noodle.

I kiss my cat's and dog on the mouth all the time. :shrug: Don't really care if it's gross because i love my hairy babies.

Don't worry about it, i'm 100% it will have done you no harm at all.

Take care

14-06-12, 20:52
Yes I am the same with my furries! I have four dogs and I kiss them all the time and they are always giving me good licky kisses. I will tell you something else to, two of them love to eat the poo in the yard if I aint picked it upu quick enough, even their own sick! Gross I know but it comes with the territory.
Please don't worry about it, you will be fine!

Kez xx

14-06-12, 23:27
Like said,don't worry, wash mouth out and you be ok. I have dogs and my husky girl has habit of slipping her tongue in your mouth, but dogs have antiseptic in their saliva, which is how they heel cuts etc.

15-06-12, 03:22
Cats and dogs lick their butts all the time, so honestly you've prob already done that and not noticed and been fine! I've actually heard dog saliva cleans well!