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24-05-04, 19:47
Hello my name is really Elizabeth. I have been visiting the site and reading your comments for the last couple of days. Even though I can't see you all it is quite daunting introducing myself. I am married with two grown up children, and have suffered on and off with anxiety/depression most of my life, and each time it pops it's ugly head up, it doesn't get any easier. What makes me so sad and frustrated is the lack of understanding and facilities within the NHS. Mental Health issues are at the bottom of the list of prorities, and yet there as so many sufferers. Without websites like this and charitable organisations there would be nothing. At the moment I am very agitated and anxious but keep trying to put coping statagies into practice. I'm sorry but I can't write any more at the moment

24-05-04, 20:10
Hiya Elizabeth,

Welcome to the site.

I have also suffered for many years from anxiety and depression and also have the same feelings regarding the NHS and mental health.

We are all here to support you, so feel free to post as often as you like.

Look forward to hearing from you again!

Kate x

24-05-04, 20:27
Thankyou, I just wish I could see you all in the flesh as this is such a lonely illness.
Liz x

24-05-04, 21:10
Hi Liz

Why don't you come and talk to us in the chatroom - its fun and you can make some friends!


Knowledge is knowing a tomato is a fruit
Understanding is knowing not to put it in a fruit salad

24-05-04, 21:36
Hi Elizabeth

Glad you decided to post at last and look forward to hearing from you so more.


24-05-04, 21:47
Welcome to the site.

If you have any specific issues you feel you'd like to share and ask about please do.

Take a good look around the attached website too.


'There can only be true courage when first there is genuine fear'

Dr.David Livingstone

24-05-04, 22:13
hi elizebeth.,,,hey dont talk to me about the nhs and mental health issues ,,i have had so many problems with doctors and everyone regarding my problems,,and without finding this site only 4 weeks ago i dont know where i would be now,,so you are most welcome,,please read my posts,,and chinn up there mate ok


25-05-04, 09:01
Thankyou Darren
Even those few words make me feel less alone.

Liz x x x

25-05-04, 09:07
Also thankyou Nicola, Meg and Emily. I hope I will get to know you all much better shortly

Liz X X X

25-05-04, 10:59
Hi Elizabeth,
don't worry you will get lots of support and advice here:D. I know what you mean about the NHS. When I went to a & e with my first panic attack [thought I was having a heart attack at least] the doctor told me to stop worrying about my arm [fractured wrist]! As i think the panics started because of failed intubation [probably due to them] they only have themselves to blame.
Good luck,
love tess

30-05-04, 21:27
hello elizabeth,welcome to this wonderful site im sure you will find lots of help here take care love from mary

april tones
31-05-04, 09:17
hi liz, welcome! you have done first step talking about it, take your time and ask what ever you want to know, take care, love april x


31-05-04, 18:22
Hi Harriet

I too am new to the forum so a warm welcome from me, I know how you are feeling.

It does seem that the NHS are reluctant to recognise and appropriately deal with mental health issues like anxiety - by the time you've been fobbed off a few times with 'it's nothing to worry about' or 'come back and see me if it gets any worse' full scale panic disorder has usually set in. As a recent psychology graduate hoping to work in the field of health psychology I hope that we will eventually see the day when we can walk into our GP's surgery and choose whether to see either a doctor or a mental health specialist - with so many of us suffering from issues like anxiety it would make much more sense.

So sorry to hear you have been suffering so long - my mum too has been on and off antidepressants to treat her panic attacks for over 35 years and during that time she has never been offered any alternative to medication or any additional support e.g. counselling/therapy.

Well done for being so brave and for fighting your anxiety and depression and keep your chin up - you are doing the right thing sharing your thoughts with so many people who feel just the same

Jo xxx

01-06-04, 12:38
Thanks Tess, Mary and Apriltones for your words of support. It's nice to know there are people out there who understand what you are going through.

Liz x x

02-06-04, 10:29
Thankyou Jo for your reply, it would be wonderful to have mental health specialists. I suppose doctors do their best but they are not specialists in this field. Over the years I've been on various tablets some of which have made me feel, I can only describe as "living in a nightmare". So what do you do? Just battle on and hope for respite from this awful condition. Like your Mother I have not been offered any alternatives. The services and staff are not readily available in the N H S, not in this area anyway. Hope to "talk to you again soon. Love Liz

02-06-04, 13:41
Hi Liz & welcome. You'll find this site a treasure-trove of useful information, and more importantly support. In my recovery (ongoing...), I can honestly say this site has been the most important factor- just getting some words of encouragement when you're feeling down and alone means so much! And moreover, from people who've been there and done that.
I can agree with what's been said about the NHS- I work (ironically) for a mental health trust, and while we do have interventions for anxiety (a good CBT dept), it's not enough- we need more!

Keep the faith & keep posting!


Outside a dog, a book is a man's best friend.
Inside a dog, it's too dark to read.
-Groucho Marx.