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View Full Version : Advice RE GP please help

15-06-12, 13:24
Right just to put you in the picture I suffer from severe panic attacks, anxiety, ocd, social phobia, agoraphobia and tachycardia brought on by the mentioned above. I was put onto Propranolol after suffering a severe side effect to anti depressants and for most of the time if helps and definitely keeps my heart rate down (something I obsess over). I put a repeat prescription in as normal last week to be refused by the locum GP, not to worry I thought I will see my usual GP and get it sorted. I saw her today and she says she is going to start taking me off the propranolol cutting back to twice a day for a month and then once a day and then stop. I am now panicking like never before, crying am in a real state, I am not ready to come off them and feel this is crazy. Please help me what can I do, there is no other GP at the surgery and I am feeling so ill now just don't know what to do :-(


15-06-12, 13:33
Good evening,

this sounds quite bad. . . If you feel unsafe without the madication why does the GP stop it? On the other hand it would be good to trust your doctor because she might have a reason for it. Try talking with her again and ask her why she need to do that, in order to judge if she's actually making a mistake or not. :)

In my oppinion though the fact that she wants to stop them means that you're either getting better and you don't need them anymore. Which is something really good.

I hope everything turns out right for you. :)

15-06-12, 13:39
Hi Nantia, thanks for the reply. I told her my panics are worse than ever at the moment and that I was having private therapy. She told me she would refer me for therapy and that she wants me to stop the medication, I told her once again I was having therapy and that panics and anxiety were much worse at the moment, she wasn;t listening you could tell so I really have no faith in her at all now. :-( x

15-06-12, 14:08
There is new research around that says it is better to have therapy when you are not on any medication so maybe this is why.

15-06-12, 14:39
Hmmm, in that case you're right. I don't entirely see her point there. :/

15-06-12, 19:28
Hi Nantia the fact that your GP feels you should come off them could well be around the idea that you might respond better to therapy off your meds.

However you said you see a therapist privately, have you mentioned this to them ? it does seem pointless referring you to a therapist when you see one already, but then again an NHS therapist would be at no cost to you.

Another thing that comes to mind is, if your really unhappy with what your GP is doing you could approach another GP practice to see if they'll take you on or ask for an appointment with the practice manager of your present GP and explain to them what is going off and you feel that your not being listened to or contact your local P.A.L.S who can advocate on your behalf, one thing you could do though is politely demand that you want to be referred to see a Psychiatrist and discuss with them if you should come off your meds or not! if they think you should stay on them they'll inform your GP who will have follow their instructions. Good Luck

16-06-12, 00:25
Hello, messianictalmud (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=25615), I didn't post that thread, Thinkingimmad85 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=29289) did. :)
Thanks for the advice anyway though. :)

16-06-12, 02:39
It can be scary when your doctor decides to do this, but you really need to talk to him/her about the reasoning behind their decision. There could be other medication that they want to try?

I do find it a bit strange though as beta blockers are generally seen as a rather benign option. Have you any other medical issues that they might be worried about?

If you feel you're not being listened to by your GP, then perhaps talk to another one at your surgery?

16-06-12, 10:49
Hello, messianictalmud (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=25615), I didn't post that thread, Thinkingimmad85 (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/member.php?u=29289) did. :)
Thanks for the advice anyway though. :)

oops sorry