View Full Version : im a failure & can never fufil my ambitions/ability because of anxiety

15-06-12, 16:32
Everytime something goes well for me my anxiety ruin it. My friends all do so well & i can never be like them although I have the potential in most cases

15-06-12, 18:21
You can choose to let Anxiety take over your life and rule it or you can fight back and take control of your life again.

It is possible to fulfill your ambitions with anxiety - I am proof of that for one!

15-06-12, 19:33
I would stop comparing yourself to others and just be yourself.

Infact silly as it sounds try looking in a mirror every morning for a month and look in the mirror and say "Your wonderful and Unique"

You'll notice things will seem different in a good way.

16-06-12, 00:41
You know I feel like that too. I used to be one of the best students at school but I was always in second place. My parents would also compare me to others often so I was always so anxious about what's going to happen and why I don't do what I should have. Because of that and some other reasons I almost failed my national exams and suffered a lot because I did everything according to others.

That was until I came to study in the university I am now. I found such amazing tutors that helped me a lot. One of them told me that "It doesn't matter if you take one step at a time or you go running to your goal as long as you don't stop. Never see yourself in a dead end before even starting because being where you are you can always change things to the best." Most of all remember that whatever you do, you do it for you. Don't be so strict and don't blame yourself if it doesn't turn out as you expected. Instead try to find the good points of what you achieved, highlight them and don't give up. :) Keep going and you'll make it in the end especially when you have the potential to do it!

I know this is getting long but I can give you my personal example. I am studying Architecture. I came to the university with more knowledge than other people, very good drawing skills, the ability to learn and odserve and what I did was get a C when I expected at least a B. I know that I can do better than that so I don't give up. I will examine the factors that resulted to this outcome and try to limit or even eliminate them. Today was our exhibition, I saw the most AMAZING things you can imagine there but, I can't be those people that made them, I can only be me and I will work with myself to make me better considering my own limits and abilities. :)

I hope that helped a bit. :) Don't give up just yet! You've got things to achieve. ;)

16-06-12, 02:33
Comparing yourself to other people will never end well, as you're anxiety will often predispose you to see yourself in a negative light. Your life might have more bumps along the way, but your ambitions can be attained.

You might need to find a slightly different route than you thought and perhaps it will take a bit longer, but you can get there.