View Full Version : coming off fluoxetine but not shure if i should, scared it might make me worse??

15-06-12, 17:02
I have just been to my doctor to talk about my situation again and how things are going. i have been on 20mg of fluoxetine since december last year. After filling out a questionaire from the doctor he said i was more anxiety than deppression so therefore should not be on the fluoxetine and should come off them and start on jusr c.b.t for the anxiety.
I dont no if the fluoxetine has helped or not, i meen i still get all my sypmtoms of the anxiety (constant off balance/lightheadedness being the worst and mosr anoying!!!!!) But now i am scared that now i am weening off them that i will be worse???!!!!!????????ihe is telling me to come off it because i sed it hasnt really done anything but at the same time it might have but i dont know if thaat is just that i know that it is anxiety now and not something else???!! Hard t explain but hopefully you get what i meen. Any help. thx

15-06-12, 17:36
Your doctor doesn't sound very professional. I was prescribed Fluoxetine for depression and anxiety many years ago and it worked wonders for me. I was having vicious panic attacks before starting the medication so it DOES work for anxiety because I am living proof of this.

Doctors and their form filling annoys me at the best of times - them questionaires are a waste of time, too. Mine has different outcomes every time I fill it in as we feel different on a day-to-day basis!

15-06-12, 17:38
now im scared i am going to be worse coz i am weening off them now and not been perscribed them anymore.

Can you tackle anxiety and anxiety symptoms without medication?

15-06-12, 17:44
Yes of course you can Lucy, there are many alternatives. But you don't have to stop taking the medication if you don't want to - why don't you tell the doctor you'd like to keep taking the Fluoxetine on a daily basis for another few months and then review the situation.

15-06-12, 17:48

I totally agree with Monostich here - I would go and see a different doctor in the practice - sorry he doesn't sound too good to me. I was on Prozac for 15 great years and it certainly helped by depression and anxiety. Like the above post says you do not have to come off it - as the above post says keep taking them then review and take it from there.

Good Luck


15-06-12, 17:48
I cant really now as i have just been today and he has told me this. And i am going home for the summer as i am at uni now and this is were i am registered with my gp so he has signed me up to see the well being team - c.b.t for september for when i come back frm the summer. so from now until i come back i am going to see how i get on without it. He said that with anxiety they like to take to non medication route first. xxxxxxxxxxx

15-06-12, 18:19
Hi Lucy - you can always register as a temporary resident - say where you parents are registered. Assume you saw your GP near to your Uni? So do not be put off my that - you can be a temporary resident for 3 months, but it is up to you.


15-06-12, 19:43
Good luck

15-06-12, 20:26
Anti depressants are for anxiety as well so what is your doc talking about. Question is do you feel better or worse on the meds. I agree with the others see another doctor at the practice or register as a temporary patient when you get home.If you dont feel better on these meds there are plenty others to try


16-06-12, 02:27
I'll not repeat what's been said, but I shall say this: You are entitled to the treatment you are having, you have a say in it too. I know when I felt very bad, I couldn't even fathom that. Your doctor is there to help you, if you cannot talk to him/her then please do find another one as GPs do have different strengths.

Does your GP know you're not happy about coming off your medication?

16-06-12, 09:23
The thing is im not even sure what i feel about coming off of it. Sometimes i think 'well my anxietty symptoms are still with me so it couldnt of been doing anything' but then a little part of me says 'what if you get worse when you are not taking them??'
I am weening off of them now so i think i will see how i am without them, if i am the same then i know its not the tablets, if i am worse i will have to go to my temporary g.p at hom and say that i have just been taken off of them but feel i was a bit better on them. Do you think i could/should do this and can he perscribe me bk on them with no fuss or waiting? xxxxxxxx