View Full Version : Hello to everyone

15-06-12, 19:45
Hi I have been browsing this site and finally took the plunge to sign in. My challenges are GAD and panic disorder with slight agoraphobia. It's been at least ten years and to my constant regret I have yet to overcome this. My latest episode started last September when my Dad was taken ill whilst out of the country. The stress of flying out and helping my parents, and dealing with the endless 'what if's' afterwards has really hit me hard. My anxiety peaks with terrible thoughts about potentially harming people or losing control out in public. Lately I have been troubled by thoughts of suicide, mostly a panic that I could get so ill it leads me to suicide. I am scared on my own, and with company. The only time I feel safe is with my husband. I've changed my job to reduce stress and my hours. I've just started 20 sessions of CBT. I want this to work but am impatient about how long it will take. If anyone has any positive spin on all this I'd love to hear, and I'm grateful to anyone who took time to read my post.

15-06-12, 19:56
Hi Lizzie73

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

15-06-12, 19:57
Hey Lizzie and welcome along. :flowers:

It's a fantastic site will loads of useful information and some mighty fine members too.

Nice to meet you


16-06-12, 00:25
Hi Lizzie73 & :welcome:

Sorry to hear you are having such a bad time. I am a fellow panic/anx/agoraphobia sufferer and 8 months ago could not even leave the house. I am on diazepam and session 10 of my CBT which is really helping me. I have returned to work and I am making slow but sure progress in the right direction. Stay positive and you will make progress. You are certainly not alone and this site is brilliant. Keep posting!!

Take care,
Kitti :)