View Full Version : arm weakness chest...

13-07-06, 10:39
hi i have had this for a couple of years on and off now and i really dont no what it is and i am hoping that other ppl out there get the same just so i dont feel so alone and have to stress about it all the time.
sometimes this can last for an hour sometimes it is almost constant for a week or so. i feel that my left arm is weak alot yet i still have all my strengh in my arm and it feels really weird in my chest and around my breast like i have to rub it all the time and when i do it makes me feel like i have toburp alot. i feel if i burp i will feel alot better . it sort of feels like the muscles in my arm arent working properly and i have to massage them and my shoulder alot aswell.
i hope this doesnt sound too strange . i think i have what is called acid reflux but when i get this i cant help but think what if im wrong and what if it really has something to do with my heart or something silly like that . i guess thats just the ha talking
anyway please if someone else out there gets anything like this please let me know for some peace of mind .
thanks :D[:I]

13-07-06, 10:42
Hello Kiss25.

I have trouble with a left weak arm too. Sometimes it feels as if it's "light" - as if I've been in the gym (but I havent), but yet I still have all the strength in it. Its really odd. It could be a trapped nerve, I think it's anxiety.

13-07-06, 15:12
Hi there, sorry you are feeling a little rough right now. In my opinion, if it were anything to do with your heart, i think it would have got worse over the years, and would be with you 24/7? Do a few simple stretching exercises and maybe try some over the counter remedies for the acid reflux and see how things work out. keep in touch and try (if poss) not to worry!!! xxxx

14-07-06, 22:12
u r not alone with this. i too suffer weakness in my arms and have pains in my shoulders chest and rib cage area. i have gone through all the motions from having a heart attack to convincing myself i ave breast cancer. i sometimes get a tingling round the breast, shoulders and arms aswell. anyone else get this?
i have also been diagnoised as suffering from reflux and have been put on perscription medication from the doctor. i would go and see your doctor and explain your symptoms too him. it will give u peice of mind and hopefully be one less thing worrying u.
all the best

16-07-06, 12:41
hey guys thanks for all your replys they are great
i will head off to the doc and see what he says and ill keep you posted as to the out come
thanks again