View Full Version : Small cut on finger

16-06-12, 01:15
I really hope someone is awake to help me with this...

This evening whilst washing out a tin can for the recycling I cut my finger. It's not a very big cut but it bled and is now quite tender. I'm now absolutely petrified about flesh eating bacteria. I stupidly consulted Dr Google, and now I can't sleep. I washed it out straight away... do I have any reason to be worried?

16-06-12, 01:22
No you have absolutely nothing to worry about, as long as your'e up on your tetanus shots? I cut my fingers all the time opening cans or cutting myself in the garden, so you will be fine.

16-06-12, 01:22
That hurts doesn't it?

You are fine though - you have no reason to be worried I assure you

16-06-12, 01:23
:D oooh and for the record, stay off google haha :D

16-06-12, 01:29
Thank you so much. As soon as I read your replies it was like a weight lifted. Normally I can just about keep my health anxiety under control, but when I get a physical symptom it triggers it off. I had pins and needles in my arm the other week and convinced myself it was a stroke! I'll try and get back to sleep now.

16-06-12, 01:37
haha i thought i was bad, when i have a small cut im convinced im gonna bleed to death lmao :blush: which triggers a panic attack when it wont stop lol which i know eventually stops, my mind just works overtime :)