View Full Version : first time here

16-06-12, 09:01
I suffer with depression and have done for a while, I used to be on citalopram but I just turned into a zombie and eventually broke up with girlfriend as a result, I came off them and tried to make a fix myself, this went terribly wrong and am now on sertraline, one part of my problem's are anxiety attacks. I wake up every morning with major tension which at some point leads on to me breaking down and crying, the crying can come on straight away or it may be in an hour, the tension seems to stay most of the day and sometimes will break down a few times in the day, as I write this I am in a flood of tears.

The GP's in england are not interested they have a 'pull yourself together' attitude, I have changed doctors a few times now as one of the doctors I was seeing I spoke with about panic attacks whilst sitting in front of her crying my eyes out, she just asked if I had access to the internet at home and if so, I should google panic attacks. another doctor I begged that I need help please help me, I'm losing control i don't know who I am anymore and can not get a grip of myself, he replied 'ok ok I have heard you ranting, but you need to keep going with the medication I'll see you again in two weeks'.

I just feel to give up, you get to a point where you think there is just no help, I feel like there is no future for me and I am going to be this way forever now stuck on meds.

Thanks for listening...

16-06-12, 09:14
Hi blu01

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

16-06-12, 12:10
Hi blu01
It is true what you say about GPs in England. I have exactly the same feeling and panicking about going back home.
Keep going, having a happy life deserves it!

16-06-12, 14:03
sk your Gp to be referred to the local mental health team as you arent getting anywhere with them. If you daret do it face to face write them a letter


Vanilla Sky
16-06-12, 15:22
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

16-06-12, 19:56
It sounds like your doctors could have been more helpful, and as someone who has just started NHS funded CBT I know it is available. I've been on the same two meds as you. For me sertraline made me very emotional and I didn't get on with it, now I'm back with citalopram. When I get those moments where I feel I am going crazy I am overcome with fear. I've been told though many times that 'crazy' people don't worry about being crazy - they just are. I've had these thoughts on and off for a number of years and if it's of any help to know, I've never lost control, gone crazy, or any of the terrible things my head torments me with. :hugs: