View Full Version : Sharp chest pain then burp

16-06-12, 09:59
Had this on and off for a while now not sure whether to investigate further. It has been going on for a while now I get this sharp stabbing chest pain always over my heart area then I burp! Trying to convince myself that it is not my heart, but have been getting the sharp pains without a burp and now I am getting concerned. Have read that some heart conditions can make you burp. Does anyone else suffer with this??

16-06-12, 10:03
do you have acid reflux? i have it and this sometimes happens to me too.

16-06-12, 10:21
not sure?
this seems to be a constant pattern, pain then burp, pain then burp, sometimes pain then really trapped burp that i have to force out. The pain is really sharp and lasts a second then gone.i have been getting it at night, really bad chest pain that lasts longer with no burp whatsoever, then it passes.

16-06-12, 11:10
not sure?
this seems to be a constant pattern, pain then burp, pain then burp, sometimes pain then really trapped burp that i have to force out. The pain is really sharp and lasts a second then gone.i have been getting it at night, really bad chest pain that lasts longer with no burp whatsoever, then it passes.

definitely trapped wind, i get this all the time, sometimes it comes up in a burp or burps, sometimes it shifts around and the pain just vanishes. i get it in lots of places but i've had it around my heart too, i don't like getting it there at all, but that's all it is, now i know why babies scream and cry with it, it can be very sharp and painful. i usually reach straight for a can of coke as that clears it for me, though i don't like drinking coke so i only drink as much as i need before it's gone lol Xx