View Full Version : Missing my anx?

16-06-12, 20:17
A couple of years ago I took six weeks off work through work related stress. It really messed me up for a while because I was put under impossible pressure on a multi million pound project and getting grief from the managers for slippage after they took away half my team... Hitting my head against a wall there.

So, I saw the doc when I started to get symptoms. A very brave move, but SO glad that I did. I got propranolol for the palpitations and citalopran for the and. Both were like a magic switch and I enjoyed my time off and a long and well deserved holiday.

A couple of months after returning to work in a less stressful environment, they made me redundant along with a bunch of other 'dead wood' (surprise, surprise!).

Since then, I started a successful business and have been happier than I have been for many many years.

But sometimes, and this is odd... I think back with a little fondness about my anxiety. I can't thinks why. The best I can think is that it was a pivotal time in my life and despite the pain, something very good came of it.

A little confused, but still happy...


16-06-12, 20:32
Nice to hear a success story, it is possible!!!!!!!

17-06-12, 00:27
Congratulations - you're doing really well. I do understand what you mean but don't dwell on it, enjoy it!

Take care

Pip x