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16-06-12, 21:50
I went on HRT in April but think it probably didnt suit me as after a month I started not being able to sleep then had severe feelings of dread and felt like my body was full of adrenaline all the time. My startle reaction was heightened and I thought I was dying! Anyway my doctor said I was anxious and prescribed citalopram. I have been taking it now for 5 weeks and I do feel better. However, i have this recurrent tingling achy sensation in my left arm which has never gone away and I am really worried that this is a physical symptom of something serious which is being ignored because of this anxiety label. I am actually not worried or anxious about anything at the moment just the arm!! I've trawled the internet and there is plenty of info regarding tingling when you come off this drug but not much about it when you're actually taking it. Has anyone got the same thing?? Came off the HRT about the same time as I started the citalopram. The first 2 weeks were horrendous and i felt worse so much so that i insisted on getting my heart checked out - blood pressure fine heart sounds normal and normal ECG (although wasn't very reassured when the nurse says its only a snapshot so my heart was perfect at that particular time!) Anyway any advice would be really appreciated as I am worried about these sensations.:unsure:

16-06-12, 22:02
Hi charlie66

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
16-06-12, 22:49
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

17-06-12, 00:25
Hi there and :welcome:

Pip x

18-06-12, 10:04
Thank you it means a lot to know there are others out there!

18-06-12, 10:25
Hi Charlie

Welciome, I have found the site useful. Happy to chat if you want to pm :-)

19-06-12, 23:45
Me again. Tingling has spread to chest area and occasionally to jaw and around my mouth back at the doctor yesterday and he took loads of blood tests. My GP is great and called me today saying all are normal and suggested i up the dose of citalopram to 30 mg per day. I'm worried that this will make the tingling sensation worse. Anyone help??