View Full Version : Am I alone? First time on this site

16-06-12, 22:46
Hello everyone,
This is my first time on this site and I just need help.
I'm 16, at the beginning of the year my parents slit up with shattered my life, I had to watch my mum cry herself to sleep every night! I then passed out at college and ever since panic going into shops or busy places as I'm scared of passing out in front of people. I feel shaky and light headed ALL the time and it's ruined my life. It's even ruined my relationship with my first boyfriend which has made everything so much worse. I don't think ice ever felt so down and just need to know if anyone else has these symptoms.
Thank you guys! X

Vanilla Sky
16-06-12, 22:48
First of all welcome to NMP :welcome:
You have come to the right place , you will meet people who know where you are coming from. The chatroom is good too, a great place for a rant :)

16-06-12, 23:45
Hello and welcome! :D I am here only 4 days now and I find myself much better than before as people are SO supportive and just lovely. You're in the right place.

As for what you are experiencing, I believe it is part of the shock caused by your parents. Give yourself some space, it is acceptable to feel like that so don't press yourself to hide that feeling. I know what you mean when you say light-headed cause I have experienced it too. Try to talk to people about what you feel, it always makes it easier to cope with things when people are aware of them and willing to help you or even write them down. Change the whole theory of "What if" to "So what!" and don't be scared. Also if your boyfriend couldn't handle you in that situation he doesn't diserve you at all. This is not your fault. :)
In order to get rid of that fear that tries to invade your life, keep going to crowded places like you usually did. Breathe as calmly and deeply as you can and stay there until you feel better. That will make your body and mind understand that there is nothing to be scared of. Have faith to yourself, it is a bad time for you but you can get over it, and if you faint again, so what? Is it about what people are going to say? You shouldn't care about that cause what matters is you. :)

If you need anything, any time or you feel you want to talk to someone feel free to PM me. :) I will definately reply and try to do the best I can for you.

Nice to meet you and I hope you feel better soon! :)