View Full Version : everything going wrong.. normal?

17-06-12, 01:24
basically, to cut a long story short, for the last like three weeks I have felt sooo down, for no particular reason. Like I want to cry so much and every little thing seems to affect me a lot stronger than it normally would and I feel like every little thing I want to go well, doesn't.. and I can't seem to bounce back from
it all... I don't really know what's wrong with me? Everytine I have horrendous anxiety or a panic attack I feel so bad about myself and I don't know if any of this is normal? For example, the other night I had two bad panic attacks with my friends there and tonight I saw they had all done something together and not invited me, and I felt soooooo horrible about it, like it must be because of these anxiety things that people think I am weird and don't want me around.. Pleaae bare in mind that I am only 16, so I understand that as a teenager hormones can affect your emotions but I have only ever felt down for like a day in the past, not this long. Please respond. I really need some advice and reassurance.


17-06-12, 02:11
Hello. :)
I can see your point there and I have felt that way before too. Nothing is wrong with you and you also need to stop thinking that something is actually wrong with you. It is okay to feel down sometimes. Also, teenage is significant to that to some extend you'll realize that in the future like I did. :) The fact that your friends didn't invite you is really rude of them but don't assume it's because they don't want you around. There are various reasons why things might happen. The best thing to do is talk to them about it in a polite way and ask if the have some problem with you, if the situation affected you emotionally. A good thing to do is write down a list of things that made you happy during a day, things you achieved or things you like about yourself. We tend to forget how important the small things are. :) So this will remind you how unique you are and it will improve your mood when you're feeling down. It worked well for me too. :) Also don't forget to speak to people you trust or write down what you feel as this eases up the tension and makes things more clear to you. :)

I hope you feel better soon. :) We're all here to help you wenever you need it.