View Full Version : thank you

13-07-06, 11:54
i posted "i want to die" last night and i just wanted to say thanks to everyone that replied. its good to kno im not alone in this, and thanks for your suggestions. thanks for caring :) michelle xxx.:D

13-07-06, 12:29
No problem Michelle. Anytime. That's what we're here for!

Eeb x

13-07-06, 23:41

Seriously things can be rough at times...as you know. I'm not sure how old you are or your situation, but I can tell you that you can come out of this. At first it's hard to understand how you can suppress all these negative thoughts and stuff, but like everything else it takes practice. Think of everything we do in life, rarely are we good right away at it...but overtime we get better. The same goes for dealing with anxiety and depression. This will pass and the time will come when you are feeling good...you can count on that. We get one shot at this great life, live it the best you can.


“If you think growing up is tough, then you're just not grown up enough.” - Steven Page, Barenaked Ladies

polly daydream
14-07-06, 00:21
You are so welcome mate, hope you are feeling a little better.

Best wishes,

Polly x