View Full Version : Packing and Feeling Weird

17-06-12, 16:31
Hello guys! Just a quick post here.

I have started packing to go back home for the summer and I feel really really sad and restless as the year finished and that makes me see it even more vividly.
I know I'm still in first year and I have at least 2 more years here but I have an extremely big problem with endings/changes in general~although it was relatively easy for me to leave home and study abroad~. . . I am really attached to the university as I have met the most amazing tutors/people and 3 years just feel like such short time. . . especially now that the one is over.

Any suggestions on how I can ease that a bit? :/

17-06-12, 22:09
Would it be easier if you visualised it as a proper 'holiday'? You have worked really hard and done so well to get through your 1st year so you deserve a holiday to recharge your batteries and spend a bit of 'me time'. It's only for a few weeks or so and that time will just fly, before long you'll be looking forward to coming back to resume your studies and the life you have built here. Use the time off wisely to boost your confidence and grow as a person. Perhaps a little summer job to get you 'socialising' but not in an intrusive way? I'm sure it won't be so bad and you'll be back before you know it.

Good luck and enjoy the sun! Kitti :)