View Full Version : New here and absolutely terrified, please help!!

17-06-12, 20:23
Hi everyone I am new to the forum but not to anxiety unfortunately.
I first started to suffer with it 11 yrs ago after giving birth to my daughter, I suffer with health anxiety I think its due mostly to my dad tragically dying when I was 15. So after a while I managed to conquer my fears enough to live a relatively normal life, then a couple of years later it came crashing back with vengence!! :weep: Again with medication a lot of support and some counselling I managed to get my life back on track.
I then had two more episodes which I managed to overcome quickly.
So now here I am 9 years since my last bad anxiety episode although I've had to seek reassurance along the way to keep me on track, I had this terrible mucus cough which lasted for 4 weeks, I went to a walk in centre and was seen by a local gp there, she listened to my chest and then said you have enphacema (sorry about the spelling) and that I need to stop smoking straight away if I am to have any chance of a possible 95% recovery. Of course this absolutely terrified me I was in bits I explained that I suffer with health anxiety and giving up smoking wouldn't be easy if I am this scared, anyway I went to my own GP the following day and he arranged the test to determine if I had it or not. The test was negative thank god but it has given me the kick up the backside I needed to finally give up, however since then my anxiety has become unbearable I am even finding it extremely hard to type this as its so overwhelming. But I need to try anything that might help. So I am terrified that I have chronic bronchitis and that I will keep getting it even after I have managed to kick my horrible habit. I just can't see a way out, I wake up in the morning desperately anxious and nothing I do calms me, I've tried talking my self out but it just will not give in. I'm so desperate for help I've had my meds put up (venlefaxine) from 35.5mg to 75mg Iv also been given 2mg of diazapam and something to help me sleep, I havn't eaten for nearly a week now and hardly slept either, I also have 2 very young children to look after, I do have a partner but he just doesn't understand and gets very frustrated :weep: I just can't see a way out! I'm so scared right now please can anyone help maybe suggest a different type of medication that actually works and will calm me down enough to be able to at least not feel so desperately anxious please please help if you can.:weep:

17-06-12, 20:37
Hi BlueEyes28

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

Vanilla Sky
17-06-12, 21:14
Hi and welcome to NMP :welcome:

18-06-12, 12:19
:welcome:Hi there,
You sound like you need to go back and see your GP. I find if you write things down, before you go. If you have a long wait in the waiting room or any other thing that might set you off. you forget what you need to say. If its written down both me and my Doctor have found this very helpful. hope this helps.
take care:hugs:
Diane x