View Full Version : Bit of a strange one... PMT and aromatherapy

13-07-06, 12:55
This isn't really panic related but I'm still worried!!

I suffer with very bad PMT, I can cope with the physical pain, even though the tiredness gets me down, but the psychological side of things is something else. That can start for almost two weeks before I am due on (I've always had long PMT!!). I become completely irrational during PMT, I feel negative, hopeless, slightly angry for no reason, and everything just seems to be going totally wrong for those two weeks! It's a nightmare, and in recent months it's been worse. I know that stress can make the symptoms of PMT worse, and we are still waiting for our house sale to go through and it has been making us VERY stressed this year.

So a few weeks back, a catalogue comes through the letterbox (one of these ones with a local rep who comes back to take your order a few days later), I was flicking through it and noticed a PMT aromatherapy kit, consisting of a bottle of aromatherapy oil, a pulse-point roll-on thingy, and some body soak (very few guidelines). So I thought Ooooh could be the answer to my prayers ad the ad in the catalouge said that the products delivered a calming effect when you have PMT. I ordered it, and it arrived a few days later.

Anyway, yesterday afternoon, I found myself snapping at my poor boyfriend for no reason, so realised uh-oh..PMT is beginning again. So after a hellish evening of arguing with him for no real reason, I remembered the Aromatherapy kit. I applied some of the pulse point roll on stuff as I was getting ready for bed, and within about 20 minutes I started to feel VERY chilled out. When I went to bed I totally zonked out, and slept right through (unusual for me), until my alarm woke me up.
When I woke up this morning, oh my god I thought I was still in a dream. I felt (and still feel) like a zombie...I am so tired I can hardly begin to explain...I nearly took a day off sick but managed to drag myself into work...and I still feel pretty much just as tired now :-(

I always suffer from tiredness when I am due on, but I am wondering if the Aromatherapy thingy did this to me...I rolled it on quite generously (I stayed away from the jar of oil as I didnt know how to use it), but I was under the impression that the roll-on could be applied ad-lib

anyone else experienced feeling tired like this after using natural therapies?

My PMT is getting to the stage where I am thinking of going on the pill but I am quite overweight and I believe that the pill can make you put on weight

Aaaaaaargh.... thanks for listening!!!

'To the world, you may be one person, but to one person, you may be the world'.

13-07-06, 13:12
Hi Julia,
Sorry to hear the aromatherapy roll on may have left you feeling down.
I don't know whether my everyday mood swings/lethargy are worse/less at that time than any other! (you'd have to ask my other half!!)
I've just found this site http://www.channel4.com/health/microsites/F/family/21st/qa_pmtpressures.html
and didn't know if it'd maybe of any help to you?
Let me know
Take Care

13-07-06, 14:09
Hu Julia, what oils were in the roller ball? You do have to be careful about quantity as they are quite potent! I use rose geranium and clary sage, you only need a small amount, you may be sensitive to the essential oils in it.

Take care

'This too will pass'