View Full Version : Dizziness in shops

18-06-12, 12:09
Hello I struggle alot with lighthead / dizziness everyday at the min. Even though I do not feel anxious ??
But every time I go into a shop it gets worse and I have to get out.

Anyone else feel like this And know how to stop it.

Also get a tight chest feeling quiet a lot.


18-06-12, 13:47
Hi I also get lightheaded and buzzed for a few seconds when I do a lower position (eg kneeling on one knee to scan stuff at the bottom) then rise up. The buzzed feeling usually
Lasts only about 5 seconds or so. I usually feel these when Im in shops too cuz I look for stuff at the bottom of the shelves.

18-06-12, 15:57
Hi there,
I am exactly the same even the thought of going in shops panics me and as soon as i go in i have to get out due to the overwhelming light headed feeling like i'm going to faint. However i have been told the only way to face this is to stay and breathe deeply until the feeling passes rather than running out but i still struggle with this.
But you are not alone in this.

18-06-12, 17:21
Hi there,

I get exactly the same. Lightheaded, feel like I'm about to faint. I remain where I am and breathe telling myself I will not be beaten and forced out of a shop because of my mind.

18-06-12, 20:53
Thanks all. Guess I will just have to bear with it just such a horrible feeling.

Do you lot suffer with lightheadedness all day too ?!

18-06-12, 21:29
Yep, been lightheaded every day for years now. Knowing its just anxiety makes me just get on with it

18-06-12, 23:36
Hi, i have felt the same as you so many many times!!!!!
After 3 years of this i have taught myself to overcome it a wee bit.
I found a bit online about "visual vertigo" its nothing sinister so look it up if you want, its basically like when you see lots of straight lines like a supermarket isle it brings on the vertigo/lightheadedness symptoms and then you get the anxiety kicking in on top which makes it worse. You know that optical illusions you can look at like straight lines yet the look like they are moving? its kinda like that on a huge scale.
When you go in, take a trolley and make sure your aware of how your body is feeling before you go to any isles. i found that i was extremly "tensed up" and gripping the trolley like crazy!! So make yourself relax by taking a nice deep breath in through your nose to the count of 3 and then exhaling the same count out your mouth, this makes your shoulders automatically relax and when breathing let the relaxation carry on down your arms to your hands on the trolley.

Try and listen to a iPod/mp3 player as you go round the shop with your favorite music on it, the distraction really helped me A LOT and i did it every time i went to the supermarket, then i gradually listed with one earpiece in when i went and then without any music and the difference in anxiety was huge!! It did take me like 20 times before i managed to go without any distraction, but i was so chuffed to have done it!!!
If i felt really bad and nothing would work then i would go to the cafe and get a drink and just sit, look out the window and keep telling myself that it would be ok, it had happened before and i was fine then and i would be fine this time too, concentrate on my breathing and try to keep relaxed
Sometimes i would manage to finish the shopping and sometimes i would just have to leave.
It takes practice and patience to cope with it but its worth it.

19-06-12, 11:08
Thanks again will try this. Do anyone get a tight chest a lot with there anxiety

19-06-12, 11:48
Yeah get the tight chest feeling too. Another symptom of anxiety. I have read that when we re anxious we tense up our muscles. So if you relax your shoulders downwards the chest pain should ease.