View Full Version : Help! Is This a Panic Attack?

13-07-06, 14:50
I've been suffering from exhaustion since last November, feeling shakey, dizzy, and phobic of travel and social meetings... Started getting what I recalled from an episode years ago as panic... in between times, I've been quite well, and have clearly forgotten some of the horrors. Please don't be annoyed I'm asking such an obvious question here, but last night my wife jumped out of bed due to a spider... at 2am... I was fast asleep...

I awoke to the comotion, and within a minute, I felt a wave of prickly heat go from my feet right up to the tip of my head, sollowed by a cold sweat, and difficulty in controlling my breathing - and pulse around 150... I was scared witless! No chest pain thank god, but I felt I was going to pass out, lying down! These waves lasted 5 minutes or so, and came several times over the next few hours. It took me hours to calm down and I had many after shocks or waves of panic wash over me again... by 6am I managed to get a diazepam down my neck, which chilled me out enough to get a little rest... I got up this morning at 10am, and am totally knackered... I feel like I've run a marathon.

Anyone associate with these feelings?


To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!

13-07-06, 14:56
Sounds very much like a panic attack, especially given the background you describe.

Are you able to get regular 8 hours sleep? I found (with hindsight) that the amount of rest was pretty critical to how I felt in general. If you know you are exhausted it could be worth increasing relaxtion and sleep.


13-07-06, 15:08
I've been suffering from chronic fatigue for several months now, which is probably where the anxiety and depression has come from... Normally I get loads of sleep... from midnight round to 7 or 8am no problem. But when I wake up I'm never refreshed - just constantky tired... GP's seem very ill equiped to deal with this sort of thing...

To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!

13-07-06, 16:11

I know exactly what you mean. Sounds very much like a panic attack. Panic attacks are very common. When you are having a panic attack just try and relax and take deep breaths, that should help.

x x

13-07-06, 16:35
I agree with the others, it sounds like a panic attack to me too.

Try to relax a little and take things easy, fighting it will only make it worse.

Take care



13-07-06, 16:38
Thanks guys... I guess after spending so much time learning to combat these things years ago, I must have blindsided it in my mind, so when this one came last night, it took me totally by surprise. A bit like knowing how to swim, but waking up 10 feet underwater - there is no avoiding some furious paddling before you can relax!

To truly see existence as it really is, would be the greatest gift!