View Full Version : After some reassurance

18-06-12, 14:35
Hi Everyone,

I've been doing really well lately, had my last (bar a follow up to be arranged) CBT appointment last week, and actually felt like I didn't need to be there which was great.

However the last couple of days have caught me out (again!) I'm getting much better at dismissing physical symptoms as anxiety. Ignoring them and sure enough they disappear in a couple of days if not less.

Today though, I've woken up with quite a sharp pain in the left of my chest, quite high up, like just below my collar bone.

My mind is now starting to drift off into anxiety mode and where as a week ago I would have though "It's fine, I've obviously slept funny, and pinched a nerve or a muscle somehow". But unfortunately my mind is now saying "Oh great, is it heart related? A blood clot?"

I have no other symptoms apart from feeling slightly anxious. Oh but I am "looking for" an ache in my left arm and as such have given myself a slight ache! lol!

Anyone relate?

18-06-12, 22:04
It could be referred pain, sometimes this can be as a result of indigestion, I get this quite a lot, at the top of my ribs, its nothing to worry about, if the pain is really bad I take a Paracetamol.

19-06-12, 23:00
It's really hard to stop the worry. I have been in the situation before where the pain did not go away with medication and it was still anxiety - which DOUBLED my anxiety!!! Can you do some exercise or for me watching something you really like on TV to take your mind off things might help (for me it was the Apprentice!!).

20-06-12, 10:26
Thanks for the responses, it's been a couple of days now and still have it :(

I have been getting headaches again as well now!

I KNOW it's anxiety but I'm just getting impatient for it to go. It's a lovely day here today so I'm determined to keep myself busy probably in the garden to take my mind off it.