View Full Version : Why do i still doubt??

18-06-12, 18:49
my anxiety started with health anxiety, i had heart worries for quite a while even tho all the test results were fine. I also worried about not being able to breath or passing out etc.

Well my health anxiety got alot better, don't really have it anymore. But now i have fears about going mad and losing control, or something being wrong with my brain. Wich i find alot harder to deal with then the health anxiety. My main symptoms are DP/DR, intrusive thoughts, dry mouth, sweaty, tired, flu like feeling, dizziness and feeling 'out of it' and weird alot.

The derealization/depersonalization is what i'm most afraid of cus i feel so strange. Sometimes i even freak out about being alive cus i feel so unreal and unfamiliar. I get weird thoughts that make me panic and then feel like im losing it, and adrenaline rushes. I feel tired and tense all the time. I have 'what if' thoughts constantly.

I fear losing my mind so much but my psychologist reassured me that it's all anxiety and the chances of me going crazy are close to zero.

Even with all this i still think what if it's not anxiety and i have a different horrible mental illness or something is wrong with my brain. I experience just about every single anxiety symptom ive seen listed. Every anxiety test i do i get max score, and i been diagnosed with anxiety but its like my brain won't accept it.

Why cant i just believe its anxiety that cause all this and nothing else is wrong:mad:

18-06-12, 19:18
are you on medication for it


18-06-12, 19:36
hey im not on meds, never been on meds either..worried about side effects of medication