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View Full Version : Something wrong with me..

18-06-12, 21:36
Hey everyone, I'm posting on this site for the first time because in recent weeks my ... well, potential anxiety issues have gotten worse. Though at this point im still not certain if I do even have anxiety!

Anyway, I wanted to try and divulge as much of my story as I can think of, in as organised a way as I can, both to get it all clear and straight in my own head, as well as to get some advice and feedback from people out there who know more about it than i do!

Ok so first things first, my long term history!

I have always been an anxious kinda person, I always tended to worry a lot in my own head. In the last couple years, I've also had a lot of OCD tendancies, all of which involve my fear of germs and being sick. This would basically mean I would wash my hands a lot when preparing/eating food, and I would never lick my fingers or anything (though I used to, just not lately). I would also have to make sure my plates and cutlery were clean, and as I live in a shared house this means I was my own dishes and put them in a seperate cupboard so that I know they are clean.

I was also a fairly heavy cannabis smoker, up until a month ago. Every so often (maybe once a week) I would get a weird sick feeling and feel very anxious, and would usually put it down to anxiety and take gaviscon or stomach settling tablets. Though lately I have realised the "sick feeling" was possibly just all in my own head, as I was *worrying* about being sick.

The More Recent Events:

1 month ago, I had some sort of gastroenteritis/food poisoning. I went to bed feeling kind of normal, but started shivering and shaking all over like I was very cold. Then I had diarhea (sorry lol) and went back to bed, still shivering heavily, which repeated a couple times before I finally fell asleep after an hour or so of this. I woke up a couple hours later and was sick, but went back to sleep soon after. After a day or so though I was feeling back to normal.
This was the same time I quit smoking though, as I didnt feel like any when I was feeling sick, and it seemed as good a time as any to stop completely. I went cold turkey and havent smoked at all since.

Since this had happened, I'd had a few anxious feelings, as well as a day of feeling like I was ill (constant flushed feeling in my cheeks, very tired and lethargic). I didnt end up being sick, but I was worried I would be. But the next day I was fine.

A week or so ago (2 weeks after I recovered from the stomach bug), very late at night and feeling extremely tired, I went to try and sleep. Turned off my light and lay back, with a bit of a dodgy feeling in my stomach (just like a bit of gas, in hindsight, nothing special).
However, because of this feeling, I immediately starting worrying that it was going to be more stomach problems, worrying I would end up having to deal with diarhea and vomiting again... worrying that if I started shivering and shaking again that I would end up being sick.
And then I did start shivering and shaking all over. I was like that for about 2 hours, looking at my clock every 20 minutes or so. Eventually I just fell asleep.
BUT even though I did go to the toilet at one point, I wasnt sick nor did I have diarhea. The next day I felt fine (though rather tired).

This was the point where I decided to make a doctors appointment (though I couldnt do it until the following monday) and begin trying various herbal things to relieve anxiety (ive been drinking a couple cups of chamomile tea most days lately).

The doctor called me last tuesday (I didnt get a face-to-face appointment, only a doctors callback) and after hearing a summary of my problem, said that I seemed to have OCD and anxiety, and that she could write me a prescription for Citalopram.

I havent started taking this yet though, because when I read the side effects for it (as well as reading up about it online) I became VERY anxious about taking it lol. The fact that it seems to be guaranteed to make anxiety and panic symptoms *worse* for 2-6 weeks after taking it, made me severely against taking it, as that would basically mean I'd be unable to work or function due to worry and lack of sleep for over a month.

I spoke to the doctor again a couple days later, and she said I could try herbal remedies if i wanted and see how things went. For over a week I had no real issues other than general anxiety during the day and some insomnia.

Last night, after a very very long day and staying up too late, being very tired again, I finally went to try to sleep.. And again, being unable to switch my brain off, I began to shiver and shake all over. I tried to convince myself this was just a panic attack or something, and occasionally I would get up to go to the toilet or to read up on forums to convince myself that this was a normal panic attack, but it still lasted for about an hour.
But at one point, I almost seemed to manage to decide it was all in my head... and the shivers stopped over a period of a couple minutes, and I seemed to feel more relaxed. And it stopped. And I managed to fall asleep at last (though only for about 5/6 hours).

As far as medication goes, yesterday I took a herbal Nytol before going to bed (I heard valerian and hops were good for anxiety...worth a try I guess), because I was trying to avoid taking any more Diphenhydramine antihistamine (which is what I usually take to help me sleep, but I try not to overuse it).
However once the shivering started, I took an antihistamine anyway to hopefully fall asleep (not sure if it helped or not).

And thats my story! Sorry it was so long... and its probably not very easy to read or understand, but hopefully there will be enough information there for people to start giving me feedback and hopefully.... some help and advice!!

Thankyou to anyone who reads all this, I really appreciate it, and if theres anything you want to ask me or want me to clarify just let me know.

18-06-12, 21:49
Hi Nirurin

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-06-12, 22:12
Hi and a reserved welcome.

First let me say I too was a heavy cannabis user in my early life and at the time felt indestructible. However I believe my usage was directly responsible for my current mental health problems.

It's best to abstain from these powerful mind altering drugs however harmless they seem at the time. Also don't beat yourself up over past mistakes just focus on the future.

The use of an SSRI like Citalopram can be extremely beneficial for those suffering anxiety and depression. Yes the first few weeks can be very rough, more so than you feel now but these feelings should start to fade after a few weeks or so. To me they have been a god send for anxiety and have allowed me to have a life free from anxiety.

Please stay off the weed as this is the best thing you can do to restore your mental wellbeing.


18-06-12, 22:43
Oh I have decided to quit the weed entirely, and have no cravings or anything to start back again. I will be staying clean from now on.

Thats the issue with citalopram.. I really cant handle the idea of making things *worse* for the next month. I am going to see a counsellor on thursday, and have another doctors appointment on wednesday, and Im hoping there is some other solution, or at least to see if they can recommend me some other medication that will allow me to function while the citalopram is making me worse :/

18-06-12, 22:51
Don't let the side effects of starting meds freak you out. Not everyone reacts the same way to medications. The fact that you're seeking guidance from your dr. and counselor are both really good things. Well done!

18-06-12, 22:58
Good for you on quitting:)

I don't really have any advice on OCD issues as I don't suffer that problem. The anxiety thing I have heaps of experience.

You can overcome anxiety without drugs if you learn self help techniques. Sometimes drugs are needed to re-balance your brain chemistry, not always but can be very effective.

Whilst starting an anti-anxiety med like Citalopram may make you feel worse for a bit, it's not a fact set in stone. Some people have little side affects and quick beneficial effects. However to be honest most feel a bit rough for several weeks and personally my anxiety went through the roof. I am now feeling almost zero anxiety a month later which is a huge relief.

Don't be afraid to ask or demand from your Doctor a short course of a benzo drug like Diazapam for your first few weeks getting used to an SSRI. Used sparingly they are great at reducing anxiety while the Citalopram kicks in.



18-06-12, 23:11
Good for you on quitting:)

Don't be afraid to ask or demand from your Doctor a short course of a benzo drug like Diazapam for your first few weeks getting used to an SSRI. Used sparingly they are great at reducing anxiety while the Citalopram kicks in.

Thanks :) I dont have any real inclination to start again at the moment, and its been a month, so fingers crossed! Though I do think that weed withdrawal is maybe making my anxiety a little bit worse.

Would the diazapam or similar actually help? My only real worry with starting on the SSRI's is that any side effects or increased anxiety will leave me unable to work, and more importantly sleep! but I guess diazepam would help if I start having these problems?

18-06-12, 23:28
Starting an SSRI may well upset your work. For me the greatly increased anxiety has prevented me from working. For many others here they report they still work so it's a very individual thing.

People do get sleep problems on SSRI's. For me it has not been a problem at all.

The Diazepam is great for helping control the really anxious moments so you can still function. You may not even need any?

Personally I have started an SSRI three times over the last 10 years and always take a few weeks off when starting as working with electricity as I do in an anxious state would probably not be a good idea?

Being honest, the anxiety I felt on starting Citalopram was bad but so so worth it. You feel like the anxiety will never end but gradually it fades away until you become your old self.

Hope this helps?


19-06-12, 00:13
See thats the worry, I'm not sure I would be able to cope with greatly increased anxiety, especially as at the moment my anxiety is not really all that bad.. Right now I can function fine day to day, my only real "anxiety" comes from worrying over whether I will be able to sleep or not that night.

Especially as SSRI's dont actually fix anything, so at some point when I come off the medications (after then dealing with the withdrawal problems) wont I be back where I started? Unless they are designed to be taken indefinately..

Just seems like a big gamble. And it is scaring me enough that I know that if I start taking them, I'll probably give *myself* extra anxiety just by being hyper-aware of any side effects lol.

Hopefully the counsellor will manage to come up with some alternatives, otherwise I may just have to risk it, and have an awful couple of months.

19-06-12, 13:46
Hi hun I have to say the herbal "Rescue remedy" is fantastic!

20-06-12, 13:54
Thanks for the advice Kateykat, I picked up a tin of the pastilles yesterday just to try them out. They taste kinda nice, so we will see how they go!
Yesterday turned out to be an alright day, all things considered. Probably because I found a lot of things to do during the day which kept me busy and took my mind off thinking all the time!
I did wake up today feeling a bit headachey, which led to the now-familiar feeling of constant worry in the back of my mind. I really hope that this will go away eventually, as I didnt used to be this bad a month ago.