View Full Version : Hi NMP members, Im new to this so bear with me

18-06-12, 21:37
Hi im 23 year old female and have suffered 8 terrible years of panic dissorder, its grim,awful and just downright annoying!
I wanted to find out if anyone feels like I do about travelling and being away from home...its like as soon as I get about a half hour away I just want to come home but never know why so panic because I cant!
Im on Citalopram & have had counselling, hypnotherapy and cbt (CBT being the only real help) and i. The last year have accomplished sooo much more than I ever imagined, I dreaded lifts and can now get in most of them (depending on if its shabby looking) and have took a chugger train for 10 mins from A to B and back-hoping to accomplish the faster ones next!
Just the ultimate fears are being away from home for the distance, way of travel, and time spent in uncertain situations or unfamiliar places!
Really would like inspiration as going 2 hours away this weekend & going Wales twice next month :/ dont want to miss out but I know my boyfriend and friends would be happy if I could make it!!!
Thanks guys :)

18-06-12, 21:49
Hi Corinnep

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

18-06-12, 21:56
I used to get really anxious about leaving home when i was younger (I'm 28). I love going to new places now, although I do tend to get a bit antsy and worn out if I'm gone for more than maybe 4 days or so. Just remember to take one thing at a time.
Congrats on all of your accomplishments! Keep up the good work. :)

18-06-12, 22:08
I would love to make day two but then I wouldnt be much company for being sat down worrying or crying...
Thanks & will keep posted if I pull out or make the weekend journey :)

24-07-12, 21:05
Well I havent been to Wales as hoped but have been to Leeds which is also 2 hours from me...managed a whole day and night :) soo proud! But the biggest accomplishment was saturday just gone, I did it, I went to Preston on a train (17 mins on a virgin train) eeeek was sooo anxious and panicked - whole train looked at me as I cried and screamed - it was jam packed and had to stand right by the door...but I did it :D sooo crazy what ya can do when you put your mind to it (and be held against your own will lol) ahhhh now to do it all again this saturday! I will be on a holiday abroad soon! Xxx