View Full Version : Brand new.. looking for some support!

19-06-12, 04:35
My name is Hailey and I have been on anti-depressants, sleeping pills, anti-psychotics ... you name it since I was around 14 years old.
I am now 22 and my depression and anxiety has faded from how it used to be when I was younger.

My doctor and psychiatrist thought it was time to try life without all the medications and I was and still am, all for that idea.
I have just been weaned off of Effexor slowly (took about 4-5 months)
and the last 3 days I have been medication free (yay!)

I started feeling these "brain zaps" more frequently these last few days. I had them before if I missed a dose of Effexor, but being weaned off that slowly I never noticed any side effects. I just starting noticing this all happening after I stopped taking it completely.
It's not a fun feeling, and it has been making me feel more and more dizzy as the days go on.

If this wasn't enough, I was just diagnosed with simple partial seizures a few weeks back, and my doctor thinks that I was mis-diagnosed when I was younger and never even needed these anti-depressants in the first place. (But the SPS are another story !)
I am just wondering if these effects I am feeling are from the effexor withdraw.. or could be from this mild form of epilepsy?
or both!?

I'm so frustrated I cannot even begin to explain how I am feeling with all of this.. I thought I was better... so why am I not feeling that way!

19-06-12, 04:46
Hi xxhwaters

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-06-12, 11:10
Hi and welcome, I have found this site really helpfull.... Good luck

19-06-12, 11:25
Hi and welcome :)

I think you perhaps need to see a doctor about the brain zaps. You maybe need to still have a little effexor, but it's impossible to know unless you get a medical opinion. I know it took me a looong time to come off effexor, but I guess everyone is different.

Either way, doctors trip as soon as you can :)