View Full Version : so scared

19-06-12, 10:05
hi again i suffer with chloronic hives (excuse spelling) and have done for the last few months its affecting me most on my chest, scalp and neck although i get it in patches here and there on the rest of my body every day, the rash on my neck, chest and scalp seems to be there all the time and im always itching, i thought that hives was supposed to come on then fade, which is does on the rest of me can anyone else relate to this? also i had a few blood tests done which the dermotologist ordered and turns out i have low ferritin and low serum folate( was given iron tablets and folic acid tablets) does anyone know if this deficancy can cause a itchy rash? since then ive had more blood tests for celiac disease and h.pylori which came back as normal, also ive had a barium swallow due to a feeing of an empty hollow feeling in my stomoch that seems to come up to mt throat a bit like air or something, anyway the result came back as mild acid reflux and a narrowing or inflation somewhere, i was given 30g of lansoprozole to take once a day( now im scared of having side affects from all the tablets after reading the leaflets that came with them ) i am a complete mess at the moment does anyone else relate to any of this ?

19-06-12, 10:56
I am itching all over these days, no hive or rash so I am extremely worried... but because of this itch, I have been googling a lot (I know it's bad but I did it:blush:) and I know that a ferritin deficiency can cause skin rash and itching. So probably that is the cause!

And remember that anxiety makes all our symptoms worse and sometimes even cause them:bighug1:

19-06-12, 11:01
thanks hun x im terrible for googling stuff lol everthing with the same symptoms as me esp the serious stuff i seem to have :/