View Full Version : Hiya! Newbie here :)

19-06-12, 13:20
Hi all - just joined today! I am Katey (38), married to Tim and have 2 children (OJ - 6, and Evierose - 2). I have struggled with severe anxiety and depression for 23 years to varying degrees.
Good days and not so good days, but certainly supportive to anyone suffering too! :yesyes:
Looking forward to chatting with people who won't roll their eyes or give me a wide birth as if I am to be avoided! :hugs:

19-06-12, 13:32
Hi Kateykat

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-06-12, 13:40
Hi newbie here too just registered. Found site while trying get info on Citalpram, i just been prescribed it by my dr 20mg was wondering whether to start taking it or not as hear so many stories about anti depressants. was shocked actually to be told might be slightly depressed, said would only need them few mths and they not addictive??

19-06-12, 13:42
Hi Franki :) I am on citalopram and have to say I have found them a Godsend! They are one of the newer anti d's and very few side effects once they have kicked in. Good luck hun!

19-06-12, 15:05
Hi thanks good luck to all. People don't realise how everyday normal life can become a struggle and how you don't realise somethings wrong untill your heads starts sinking below the water line of "normality" my poor husband and teenage kids had their heads snapped off so often and I didnt realise I was even doing it must been like walking on egg shells in my house lately. I feel so awful that I caused this tension and didn't even realise it untill found myself in bedroom just crying and didn't know why or couldn't say why. I done probably what everyone does said I just tired once get few nights sleep I will be fine. That famous word we all use "I AM FINE" x:yesyes:

19-06-12, 16:22
Hiya Kateykat im new on here too, sick of tryin to explain to people what anxiety is ! im on escitalopram been on it just over 2 wks, was on them 2 yrs ago after havin my daughter .

19-06-12, 18:57
Awwww hiya Kaylaj :) x

19-06-12, 21:56
Hiya Franki did you start your tabs ? i was on escitalopram 2 an a hour yrs ago an they were amazin, just made me feel like me ...if that makes sense, ive started them again just over 2 wks ago an cant wait til they kick in an i start to feel normal again .