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19-06-12, 16:17
Ive just been put on these 40mg a day and am a bit concerned with people saying they make them feel dizzy as my main problem with my anxiety is the fear I will pass out whilst driving or in busy shops. The last thing I need is a drug that makes me fear even more about fainting :(. Is there a better time in the day to take them?

19-06-12, 17:48
Claire I changed mine from the morning to the evening I find I sleep better as it calms me down and not so tired during the day
Hope that helps.

19-06-12, 21:14
Ok thank you will try that x

20-06-12, 13:35
Hi ive just been prescribed this too, not sure if i take them when im panicking or everyday :-(

22-06-12, 11:42
One of my main issues with agorphobia is a fear of falling over in public, but I haven't noticed that Propranolol increases dizziness for me.

24-06-12, 19:44
I was prescribed this when I went to my Dr and discussed Anxiety with him. He prescribed me timed release 80mg Propranolol.

I went home and popped a tablet in and it felt pretty good at first. Body felt strange, relaxed but then I noticed my chest feeling very heavy and after doing a bit of hoovering I was finding it ridiculously hard to breathe which was making me panic in my mind without my body actually going into overdrive. So the breathing issue made me stop taking it right away. I am Asthmatic as well and you are not supposed to use it if you are Asthmatic, something the Dr didn't feel the need to mention to me.

27-06-12, 16:54
I was prescribed 80mg slow release and like you was very scared to take them as my main fear is also dizziness/fainting. I took the first one on a day that I knew I didn't have anything to do and could stay at home all day if I felt bad. My husband was also home for the day and the children all at school or nursery so it felt like a safe starting point.

In the end, I had no side effects what so ever from them. The first time I felt great - my body didn't feel so tense and I just didn't feel 'startled' all the time or jumpy or jittery.

It's worth a try as they may really help you. GOod luck xx