View Full Version : Just saying Hi all

19-06-12, 18:49
Hi i found site today while researching tabs dr has just prescribed me. I am married have 2 children. Work but just been put on sick leave as dr said "I need time out". have had anxiety problems couple yrs ago so recognised symptoms this time round lot earlier than last time. I dont feel having anxiety "attacks" way i did last time but dr thinks I have early start of depression or wasn't treated for depression last time and now its rearing its ugly head againcausing me to have very little or no sleep at night. Dr said I been caught before I gone down hill too far this time. I think problem I have was been so shocked/surprised at been told I had depression as thought myself quite strong always the one friends and family called first when needing help with problems shoulder cry on etc. helped my husband through clinical depression 8 yrs ago he was so ill was contemplating suicide. I am not so think felt fraud when told yesterday I had depression as seen what depths it can send people to, so i sat here debating if I really need take ante depressants or just take sleeping tabs he prescribed????

19-06-12, 18:59
Hi franki

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-06-12, 19:03
Awwwww hun depression comes in many forms. Clinical depression requires medication etc, as does manic depression (or bi polar). "standard" depression usually is relieved temporarily with medication as well as therapy. Don't feel bogus - you were/are suffering so well done for taking the first step and asking for help. Many never do xx

19-06-12, 20:21
hi hun im kinda in the same place 3 kidss hubby and off work. just wanted to ask how ur hubby is with all this, as mine is not good with it all n feeling realy on my own x

19-06-12, 20:57
Thanks every1 for messages of support years ago this medical condition would been swept under carpet as an embarresment rather than understanding. Hi Tiny so sorry hear about u feeling on own. my hubby been very supportive he probably was 1st realise something was wrong. Think u always feel on own though at some point as nobody understands why u just sat crying when u don't really know yourself. Maybe he doesn't know what to do how u want him react know what they like me man of house bring home dinner ugg ugg I protect wife but this time he could'nt and he doesn't know how to help and when we feeling anxious, scared worried, we all react differantly and we can.t explain how we feeling. Have you tried talking to him ask how he feels tell him how u feeling alone that u still love him and just need him put his arm around you a hug can go long way when we feeling down. How old are your children? x