View Full Version : just thort id say hello

19-06-12, 19:54
i thort i would just say hi n let everyone know where i am right naw.
i have 2 little girls,daisy and lilly who r 3 and 2. i have been battling with deprestion on and off for about 3 4 years but it is naw at its worst point and iv never hit this low before. im trying to paint the face on but it is gettin harder. so thats me so far.:doh:

19-06-12, 20:05
Hi tiny1987

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

blue moon
20-06-12, 02:40
Welcome Tiny,Hope you enjoy the site.
Love Petra x:flowers:

20-06-12, 07:55
right i need some help. i OD on friday and been seein the crisis team for a week, but im not finding them helpfull. im seein my gp today and im worried what he will say. i know i must stay stronge for my kid and hubby as im the one that does everythin like bill house work and work (WHEN IM WELL) i feel like im on ma own even if people r around me. my mum took away my mert 45mg. she isnt bin very suportive. i feel like im never gona get outa this big black hole. xxx:shrug: