View Full Version : could it be sciatica?

19-06-12, 20:41
What started as a weakness in my left leg has developed into a constant pain in the lower lrg muscle from the knee to the foot. Could it be sciatica?

19-06-12, 22:16
Yes it could be, my husband has sciatica down both legs in varying degrees as do I at times. Do you have any back pain as well??? NOt everyone gets back pain with sciatica. See your Dr or physio or osteo for examination and they should be able to tell you whats what.

19-06-12, 22:22
No back pain...only calf pain...

20-06-12, 09:20
is it possible to have only calf pain from sciatica?

20-06-12, 10:11
Yes most definitely. My next door neighbour burst a disc ( this is rare and serious) and she had agonsing pain just from her knee down but the emphasis is on agonising pain to the point where she said giving birth to 4 children was not as painful and she was on huge doses of morphine etc. The spinal nerves come out of the body and follow certain paths and you can get pain following those paths.

If your leg becomes swollen or hot then this would not be sciatica and you need to see your Gp asap but otherwsie it could be sciatica.

If it does not go away then see your GP, he is the ony person who can actually give you a diagnosis.

20-06-12, 10:59
The leg is not swollen or hot...there's just pain in the calf...not too bad...but for example standing too much its worse...walking feels a little bit better. It can be also from anxiety I think...but I'll give it some more time...and then see the GP