View Full Version : skipt breaths???

13-07-06, 17:35
I know that when you have anxiety you can have what you think is skipped beats but does anyone else here get the feeling of missed breaths?! I get it sometimes and it sends a tingling sensation all over my body. Just want to know if it's just another symptom or should I see my G.P.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards

Two heads
13-07-06, 20:50
Sorry hun i caut help you there.
Im sure its nothing just anxiety again!When we are anxious our bodys are so on edge we notice every little thing.If you are really worried go and see your gp.Maybe its a type of hyperventalateing or something?Good luckxx

14-07-06, 09:06
hi claire

If i remember back correctly quite a few years ago when my panic attacks were sky high i used to feel like i couldnt get a breath cox my breathing was erratic and all over the place.. and yes i think it was skip breaths.. but i did see my gp about it and it was due to me panic attacks

i wouldnt worry to much hun.. but go and see your gp if you are really concerned but im sure its anxiety

speak soon
looney lucy x :D

14-07-06, 09:32
You know what guys I know that your right, I know in my heart of hearts that it will be my anxiety. I just always long for a more rational explination for my symptoms, cause if it's something rational then their might be a cure and it would all go away.

My symptoms seem to of changed a little than what they were in the begining. I still have my DP but not as bad (thank god). All of my old symptoms seem to of died down and made way for new ones! or maybe this too is all in my head. who knows?

Think I will go and see my G.P for peace of mind.

TY for your replies.

Take Carexx


onwards and upwards