View Full Version : Help please! Anxiety? Stress? Angina?

19-06-12, 21:42
Hi everyone, I would really appreciate it if you could read through my post and offer any advice or experiences you may have.

I have suffered with anxiety for about 15 months now after a few major things which happened in my life. I suffered mentally and physically. I spent time on Sertraline for nearly a year and have just come off it 3 weeks ago.

I am feeling a lot better mentally, I have my own little methods of dealing with this, techniques I have learnt. Where I am really struggling and have been doing for nearly all the 15 months is physical symptoms.

I am at my wits end because i feel I have done so well to come off the Sertraline, my mind is in a better place but I still have this constant tight heart with numb feeling, it is the most horrible feeling, I feel as if i could have a heart attack or as if it is causing serious damage to lead up to one

I have a very high pressured job as a business owner, I don't know if this feeling is health anxiety or whether it is from stress/system overload or even is it Angina? Angina symptoms are what I am feeling, constant tight, numb and the thought of exercise makes me think I will over exert myself

Sometimes my heart jumps with a pain and weird sensation that i know is not normal, this happens when watching an exciting movie or sport, it just happens all of a sudden

When I read about anxiety or try to learn more about heart/health anxiety, the feeling is getting tighter, even typing this it is twitching more and being tighter, when I think about my heart it feels worse but because it feels bad in the first place I cant stop thinking about it

Does anyone else feel this or have felt this? Any responses would be really appreciated beyond belief

19-06-12, 21:54
If you haven't had your heart checked out by a doctor, I would greatly recommend you do so. You don't want to play games when it comes to cardiovascular things.

Having said that, my heart feels like it's going to beat out of my chest whenever I get extremely anxious. Learning to control it with breathing techniques has helped tremendously. Never underestimate the power of breathing! I'm sorry I don't have any other advice. I hope that you feel better soon.

19-06-12, 22:00
Thank you for your response. I saw my doctor today and he said everything sounded fine but wants me to take a blood test and then wait 4 weeks and possibly go to the cardio unit at the hospital if nothing has improved. It is going to be 4 weeks of hell if I feel this so I looked for a good online community for a bit of reassurance!

19-06-12, 22:08
You can do it!
Here's the technique I use. Hope it's helpful.

19-06-12, 22:14
Thank you, I will certainly try this

20-06-12, 10:44
Any other tips please? Does anyone feel the same thing as I have explained?