View Full Version : general anxiety disorder

19-06-12, 21:45
hi, i only joined recently and really because ive finally accepted ive got major anxiety issues! I 'think' my anxiety stems from deaths of loved ones which has now left me needing to try and control every situation so the minute im in a situation i cant control, my heart goes full force, my stomach churns and twists, my appetite goes and even the smell of food can make me feel queasy and then i go into full blown 'what if' mode and all the negative thought patterns appear! to be honest i hate being like this, i want to go back to being fun, enjoying life and not worrying over everything! So there we go thats me, female 35, and ever so slightly neurotic ;)

19-06-12, 21:56
Hi chaos31

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

blue moon
20-06-12, 02:46
Welcome chaos.Hope you enjoy the site.
Love Petra x:flowers:

20-06-12, 06:29
Hi. I just joined as well (see 'So glad I found this site') and am also 35, female, with all of the same types of physical reactions you have! It's nice just to know there are other people out there who can relate :-) Thanks.

20-06-12, 07:32
Hi chaos, welcome to the site.

I too suffer from anxiety and also have depression and too can become quite neurotic. My mental health deteriorated following the loss of a number of close family members to the point where I didn't think I could cope. I have CBT regularly now which has helped and I've found the information and support from others on this site a great help. It is comforting to know you are amongst others who understand what you are going through. I hope you have the same experience.

Take care. xx