View Full Version : New to this..

20-06-12, 01:48
Hey..Im completely new to this sight so i'm slightly unsure what to say but here goes..

My name is Hannah and i'm 19.
I have suffered with depression/anxiety/panic attacks for a number of years now and spnt a few of those wondering what was wrong.
I was diagnosed when i was 16 after things got exremely bad, i was put on citalopram(40mg eventually) and was on those for a around a year.
At one point i stoppped taking them which caused everything to go downhill so i started again.
I am no longer on medication now and have learned to cope with it in other ways, although i still have bad days now and then its no where near as bad as the extreme feelings i had before.
I thought i'd join here as i know how important having support can be and hopefully i can help others with that too


20-06-12, 02:01
Hi MissHannah

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

blue moon
20-06-12, 02:34
Welcome Hannah.Hope you enjoy the site like I do
Love Petra x:flowers:

20-06-12, 16:52
Thanks :)
Im sure i will x