View Full Version : Dizzyness and head pressure

13-07-06, 18:22
Does anyone else have days where they feel dizzy and feel like they have pressure in their head all day?? The pressure things really hard to explain, but its so horrible. Surely if its anxiety it shouldn't just start and not go away??? The doctor always tells me i'm fine but hasn't diagnosed me with anxiety so that makes me worry even more that i'm ill.

13-07-06, 18:28
Hi Lco5,

I get the dizzyness also. Can I say that my doctor never diagnosed me with anxiety either. Personally I think its because he has no idea about anxiety and its symptoms so maybe you doctors the same as mine. When I first got the dizzyness in February I was in such a state. My health anxiety went through the roof. I saw a locum doctor who was brilliant and helped me more in 5 minutes than my regular doctor ever did. When she mentioned anxiety I came home and surfed the net and came upon this site. That was the bes move I have ever done and now know theres loads of people like me out there.

Sorry for going on a bit but I so know how your feeling.

Thinking of you


13-07-06, 18:32
Thanks mandy. What does your dizzyness feel like? I know its hard to explain but this is what worries me....

When I had my last blood test, the nurse missed the vein and it really hurt. I went dizzy, and felt like i was gonna pass out. Surely this is what anxiety related dizzyness feels like?!

However the dizzyness I get that lasts all day does not feel the same as this - so could it still be anxiety related or does this mean its something else???

13-07-06, 19:16
hi this head pressure thing i had a lot during the first few months of anxiety it never seemed to leave me..but it did..now i only get it occassionaly...i thought i had a tumour but was proved otherwise..it will go..but i still have a dizzy time most days and its horrible and hard to e
explain to anyone who has never had it...take care

13-07-06, 20:16
hi lco5,i too suffer with these symptoms and as far as i know they are due to anxiety!!!i,ve had them for about 2 years now(which really does frustrate me!!!)but the only advice i can give is to try not to pay these feelings too much attension!!!(i know it,s easier said than done!!!)hope this helps take care rachelx x x

13-07-06, 21:19
Hi, can you try and do some relaxation in your neck and shouldes? Dizzyness can be due to neck tension which impares the flow of blood to the balance mechanism in the ear. Try some simple shoulder and neck rolls and self massage with some lavendar oil to relax. Ginger is very good for dizziness and any nausea that goes with it

Take care

'This too will pass'

Two heads
14-07-06, 19:30
I get this to hun,dont think its anything to worry about just tension!
Sometimes i get tension around my forehead as well.Tension anywhere makes you think the worst!xx

15-07-06, 14:54
Yes I get dizziness and have had it off and on since I was 11 and I 'm 56 now, had some tests done way back in the 60's but they said there was nothing wrong, and I had to learn to live with it, sometimes it's worse than others, I get this tight feeling too in my head sometimes.
But I am so glad to have found this site I can relate to a lot of other people on here, and it helps a bit to know your not alone.

15-07-06, 23:42
I feel your same sense of worry man. I wake up and i feel off, then it gets worse. Its a dizzy, light headed weird feeling. Im not in a panic, im calm. Hell im just waking up from bed, and i feel off and dizzy.

I sometimes get that head pressure your talking about too. Its a really weird feeling. Like blood isnt going into ur head right and i dont know, i cant even explain it. Its like pressure in ur head or around it.

I have no idea what causes it, They say anxiety. I got blood tests done last year, and an ekg. They all turned out ok. Doctor says im fine. but a year later the symptoms wont go away.

I was thinking of maybe taking a light anti anxiety medication or maybe a mild tranquilizer. If i feel better then i know its from anxiety

16-07-06, 12:36
Hey LC05,

I'm having real trouble with dizziness and headaches at the moment. I keep feeling really lightheaded as if I'm going to fall over - like someone is pulling my head in random directions.

I'm getting headaches too, mostly in the back of my head at the top of my neck, but all over as well. I went to the doctors and they said it was likely to be muscle tension. I worry though whether muscle tension can really cause so much dizziness - and I've had it for a month or so now.

I just have to keep saying to myself 'it's ok, it's just anxiety coming out in a new way, it'll go away soon'.


16-07-06, 12:46
hey i get this all the time thats how my "tumour" i went to a million diff doc who just wouldnt do anything about it and finally one doc gave me a scan and a sinus scan at the same time .. and sure enough it was my sinus's ... sinus can make you constantly feel dizzy and put pressure on your head . i used to just feel like i was gonna drop dead any sec .. and i never believe it was sinus either because i didnt feel as if my nose felt like it
so if i were you i would go get your sinus's checked out
hope this helps :)

16-07-06, 18:24
Hi everyone. Glad I found this site, it really helps to read about people with the same worries and issues as myself. Very, very re-assuring. I get dizzyness and the "heavy head" a lot of people have been describing. The Doc told me that it was probably due to anxiety (I also suffer from ectopic heartbeats). I let it go a while and then went back. Tried a nasal spray Flixonase (fluticosone) which really worked! The dizzyness and heavy head are common symptoms of sinus pressure, even if you have no headaches, so the nasal spray is definitely worth a try!

16-07-06, 18:30
hey im new to this, and i used to get really bad headaches pushing on my brain like tension headaches, and when i got stressed i usually got really bad cvolds or infections. Since june ive had 3 panic attacks two of them within a day of each other when we broke down in switzerland on a coach, and im not sure what i can do, becuz i thought the worry would subside but it hasnt i feel constantly on the edge.

16-07-06, 18:44
Thanks for all your replies. It horrible but reassuring to know that so many people have the same thing. I have been getting neck ache too - so will try some exercises and see if that helps with the dizzyness. The head pressure thing just makes me want to scream!

I will also try the nasal spray to see if its a sinus problem - what sort of sinus spray should I use? - do you mean a decongestant one like you use when you have a cold?

16-07-06, 19:29
Its an anti-histemine spray, the same as you use for hayfever. Its like Becanase but the next one up, a bit stronger. I really helped me. Good luck with it.

expecto patronum
17-07-06, 14:37
How long did it take to work? Was it the Flixonase Allergy?

17-07-06, 21:26
Just found this and thought it might help anyone who's also suffering from this. Apparantly tension headaches account for about 90% of all headaches:

General Description. Tension-type headache (also called muscle contraction headache) is the most common of all headaches. It may have the following characteristics:
Tension-type headache is often experienced in the forehead, in the back of the head and neck, or in both regions.

It is commonly described as a tight feeling, as if the head were in a vise. Soreness in the shoulders or neck is common.

Depression, anxiety, and sleeping problems may accompany persistent headaches.

Sufferers of tension-type headaches are more sensitive to light than the general population, even between attacks. They also may suffer from visual disturbances. (Neither of these symptoms is as intense as in people with migraines. Tension-type headaches also do not cause nausea or limit activities as migraine headaches do.)

Tension-type headaches can last minutes to days.

Also, does anyone else sometimes feel sick when they have a headache? I dont think its a migrane as the headache isn't severe - but do you think worrying about it makes me feel sick or is it something worse??

18-07-06, 01:42
I'm having exactly the same thing right now. Constant head pressure from the time I wake up till the time I go to sleep. I'm also dizzy and seeing "tracers"(what happens when you look at a bright light and it when you look away it still hangs around a bit). Anyone else see tracers?? I've suffered from it before about 4 years ago... but thought it was gone. I'm going to the doctor soon. All I keep doing is thinking about everything that can be wrong with me... MS, brain tumor, diabetes..etc.

give me a pen

19-07-06, 18:18
I feel sick with the anxiety when I'm feeling really dizzy and have a headache. Today I feel really tight behind my neck and in my jaw too. Weirdly I feel really tense in my top gum, above my front teeth... I'm guessing it's all the anxiety.

Today I had a really dizzy spell just before lunch, and I was aware of 'tracers' too - I could see flashes like when you've looked at something bright and then something dark, but I was quite aware of them seeming to happen more often. I think this is the anxiety too - you're much more conscious of things like that. Didn't stop me having about 10 minutes of shaking with fear and feeling really sick though! Just have to learn to see past it, and know there's nothing wrong.

19-07-06, 18:26
Im really worried that I do have something seriously wrong (like most people here!). But im really panicking tonight. Every day this week i've had the dizzy head pressure thing, and it makes my eyes go blurry too. I've been getting a stiff neck as well. I don't get anxious and then it starts - i will be busy concentrating at work and not worrying when i start to feel ill and that causes the anxiety. I dont know what to do [V]. Think I will have to go back to the doctors and insist I need some answers, cos right now I haven't been diagnosed with anxiety or anything else, they just say that i'm fine, but im not its so frustrating.

19-07-06, 19:24
I know what you mean, I've been really struggling to believe there's nothing more serious wrong with me. It can't be a tumour, they don't behave like that apparently. It really does seem like anxiety or maybe just your sinuses or something. Worth going back to the doc - even if it's to get referral to someone about stress, maybe?

If you're lucky enough to have private healthcare insurance (assuming you're in the UK), then there are plenty of people you can see to make it better really easily, though you can see them all on the NHS too, but might need a bit more persuasion at the GP!

expecto patronum
20-07-06, 09:35
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote"></td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">There are people who can make this better really easily
What kind of people/doctors do you mean?

20-07-06, 22:37

I guess I mean the best cure for the anxiety is for you to be sure in yourself there's nothing wrong, and then you can learn to not worry about it. You can persuade your GP to refer you for CBT, therapy to make you stronger in your mind and teach yourself not to worry. And then for everything else, if you really need reassurance, ask to be tested. When I first had anxiety a year ago, I had a tummy ultrasound and a heart ECG, and that really helped me fighting the anxiety I got from chest pains.

It's not a miracle cure - as you can see I've still got the dizziness and headaches, and it's taken me a year to try to get over the heart anxiety I had, but it's getting there.

And of course there's all the friendly people on this site to help reassure you :D

expecto patronum
21-07-06, 12:05
So are you able to not mind the dizziness as much now after therapy? Do you have it all the time like I do, or has it improved a bit since you stopped worrying about it as much. My problem is that I actually don't have health anxiety in terms of worrying that I'm seriously ill; I know that the off-balance feelings are being created by my own mind, but I just hate the feelings themselves and I can't imagine ever not hating them however much therapy I have. If anyone wants cbt on the nhs tho', it is worth being really pro-active like my parents were, they went to the clinic and demanded that I was given some help and it worked, I am seeing someone for cbt!

21-07-06, 23:20
CBT definitely helped me, but everyone's different I suppose. I'm a really worrier [:I] so I tend to dwell on the symptoms. The CBT helps you (or books like Claire Weekes can do the same) to say to yourself 'it's because I'm tired and stressed, and it'll go away'... You don't have to like it or not mind it, but I guess just see past it.

Though it's a bit daft for me to write that, it's the thing I have the most trouble doing! One of the things the therapist said to me was to write things down, which helps sometimes - when you feel dizzy, write down how you feel, and what you were doing, and why you might be feeling it... Then next time around you read over it and you realise it's just the same as before, and by worrying less, it happens less. Or that's the theory anyway :D

24-07-06, 21:43
I decided to make an appointment to see my doctor about this dizzyness/head pressure thing as its really bothering me and my neck keeps clicking when i move it. So I called to book an appointment and cant get one til 14th August! How useless it that?! Sorry but just had to comment - are you supposed to plan feeling ill and book an appointment 3 weeks beforehand?!

25-07-06, 21:26
Argh that's horrible. Keep hassling them, they might get a cancellation - someone who was ill three weeks ago might feel better! My GP has a 'two day' policy - something about government statistics and not waiting more than 48 hours for a doctor. But it's first come, first served, so you have to phone first thing in the morning and hope all the appointments for two days away haven't already gone.

april tones
26-07-06, 00:12
Does anyone get the head pressure when standing up? the tightness and fullness around ears and head? x

fibrochat) http://apriltones.proboards54.com

19-11-14, 17:11
I feel that some of you are experiencing psychic attacks. I just posted on two other Head Pressure threads if you are interested in knowing more. I have had the dizziness too, but I learned that if it has a spiritual cause, then it can be cured using spiritual means.

I feel if it's not spiritual then there is no anxiety - then it is probably a middle ear infection or similar. However when there is anxiety too, that is telling me that some horrid gremlin is sitting on your back feeding off you.

There are also some discarnate souls who just need help to move forward into the Light.

Took me years to work this out.