View Full Version : cycles of anxiety

20-06-12, 13:16
I just went through about two or three weeks where my anxiety was really not too bad. I felt great actually. So I go to my counselor last night and am discussing other issues, such as anger at people in my life and she pointed out that it is coming up on one year since a traumatic incident happened to me and so it makes sense that I feel it more.

I hadn't even thought about that until then. I feel like since she pointed it out, my anxiety has been way worse and I don't know if it would have been if I just went on my merry way without remembering it was coming up. So now I am totally anxious, had trouble sleeping last night, and am finding things wrong with me health-wise that I have since gotten over. As my fiance pointed out on the phone with me last night, I am searching for problems again when I had finally for two weeks not searched for them. It also doesn't help that he has been away and I am home alone.

Anybody else go through these phases? I am trying to just accept that iti s how I will be this month but in the heat of the moment that does not help much.

24-06-12, 14:38
Oh yes. I have a lot of phases. Sometimes I feel like everything is under control but then, a day later, because of something, even if little, everything falls apart.
And then it looks like I can't get out of it again...

24-06-12, 15:07
yeah me 2

25-06-12, 21:11
Yup same for me, you say you went for 3 weeks with very little anxiety, you can do it again, for even longer time :)

26-06-12, 15:07
Thanks, everyone :) I am trying! It's so hard, the past week or so it has been bad again so I am trying very hard to not dwell or search for things to worry about ... keeping busy, breathing/imagery exercises, etc. I keep reminding myself it will pass.

26-06-12, 18:59
Yep definitely go through phases!! Remember you'll never completely get over anxiety, just learn how to cope better with it and have the effects lessened which is pretty much as good as a cure!! Whilst you are getting better though I'm sure for everyone there will be cycles and relapses.
With the traumatic incident, your therapist reminding you of the year coming up could be a good thing in disguise. I'm sure it will always hurt and set thoughts racing in your mind but remembering it now will make it less severe when you remember it next time I'm sure. When your mind races I find it always leads me on to thinking about anxiety as well and what is wrong with me.
It will definitely pass though, and you'll be all the stronger for it! good luck!