View Full Version : worried about trip to doctors??!

13-07-06, 19:12
well my health anxiety as shot through the roof today...went to see doc this afternoon as i would like my hormones checking as last month i had some bleeding mid cycle onwards and feel my pms symptoms are getting worse as is the anxiety particularly 2 wks prior to period...
anyway he seemed very concerned about the bleeding(ive been trying not to get worried im 26 and trying not to get obssessed by the thought i have cancer)...
the thing is i saw another doc when the bleeding first started and she wasnt concerned...im so confused now and worried
got a smear test booked on tuesday, then im going to see gynacologist on wednesday(privately) as i would be waiting weeks for the coloscopy clinic on nhs
how can i get over my anxieties when i keep getting scares like this..ive had enough now..please can someone give me words of reassurance as ive self diagnosed myself with invasive cervical cancer :(

13-07-06, 19:22
Hi hun, so sorry that you are going through this right...
I can only hope that all goes well for you. I am sure it's not cancer and that the Dr just has to check to cover himself.
Good luck and let us know how you get on.

Take care



13-07-06, 19:31

Please try not to worry. Am sure you will be fine hun. Go to your smear test on Tuesday and let us all know how it goes.

x x

13-07-06, 19:40

Please try not to worry. Im waiting on tests results and my health anxietys up the left. Ive diagnosed myself with so many cancers I aint got a clue whether Im coming or going. Its so hard for us sufferers to have patience and wait. My hubby always warns me when I get tests done to calm myself until the results come back but it dont work like that with me. I so know what your going through and I'll be thinking of youx



13-07-06, 19:44
I can understand why you're worrying but please try not to. Even if something does come back from the smear test, i'm sure it will be ok. My sister had a routine smear come back abnormal and just had to go to the hospital as an out-patient to have some cells removed. Smear tests detect pre cancerous or abnormal cells, so if anything does come up they remove them just in case they would become a problem in the future. My sister had this done about 3 years ago and she is completely healthy and pregnant with her second baby! - so even if your fear was confirmed and the smear test does show something this does not mean you have cancer.

13-07-06, 20:50
Hi whenwillthisend, I fully understand the way you feel I have suffered bad health anxiety on and off for years and at times real bad. I remember about 2 and half years ago suffering bad tummy pains, weight loss and passing blood. I went to one doctor who felt my tummy and didn’t seem too concerned. My tummy got much worst so I returned and seen another Doctor who sent me for blood tests and my calcium count in the blood was to high so she booked for me to see a gastro specialists and said she marked it urgent. This really put my anxiety over the top and I was fully convinced this was it. I did what I shouldn’t and started reading up on the net about raised Calcium in the blood, and it said raised calcium can be caused by cancer spreading to the bones, so here I was thinking its to late now its already spread to the bones. After reading this I returned to the doctor and asked was it true what I had read, and she said yes it could be but lets not worry and see what the specialist says. Anyway a couple of months later I seen the gastro specialist who ordered me to have more blood tests, chest x-ray, Barium enema and a sygmoidoscopy and to see me again once all these tests have came back. Anyway it took the best part of 12 months to get all the tests done and I returned to see the specialist, (I was so so scared and my stomach and bleeding was even worst by now0 I went in to talk to the specialist and he said all the tests where ok and the barium enema showed a bit of cramping in the colon and this was IBS, I asked about the bleeding and he said haemorrhoids, then I asked about the high calcium and he said the calcium was normal and it must have been misread by my GP. I felt so good to hear this and my anxiety really lifted, I have hardly had no tummy trouble or bleeding since, so it shows how really bad anxiety can make us feel, Since then My health anxiety hasn’t been as bad, It still tries to return but now after over 40 years of worry about health I got really fed up, Now I try to say to myself what will be will be and if we do get ill what can we do about it? We can worry for years and years and have a rotten life or try and just enjoy life and worry about these things when the happen? I know with health anxiety it’s so so real and we do feel really ill, but 99.9% of the time its something small that we make into a big mountain. I am 57 now and spoiled so many years of my life thinking I was going to die and am still here. You are still young don’t waste life like I did. When you feel poorly just get busy and keep telling yourself you are fine. Hope all the tests go ok, and hope you feel better soon. Take care, Vernon