View Full Version : Criticism

20-06-12, 16:07
As People know here i suffer from Depreession,Ocd,Paranoid Personality Disorder and Generlaised anxiety Disorder.... I also care for my mum who has dementia and suffered a fall recently and she was in hospital for a week(which i have not disclosed to him and dont have to if i dont want to)

It's ironic as the Former schoolmate guy used sit up my local town centre yeas ago and beg for change and was on drugs and credit to him he got off it,turned his life around and now lives in england with a wfe and has a kid.

What'a people's thoughts on this??

I want to show you something from my Facebook someone who i was call "Former Schoolmate"

Former Schoolmate-

"Thats the thing only you do, if you spent half the time you do on here setting the world to rights filling out job application forms you would have a job instead i pay taxes so you can sit on the internet all day or sit in witherspoons. Hoz that for an opinion?"

Me- "Fine, say what you want, i do:P"

Former Schoolmate-

"Believe what? Its true, you dont work and take money from the dole every two weeks. Where do you think that money comes from? I pay it through my taxes. When was the last time you applied for a job?"

Me- "You have zero understanding and knowledge of my personal circumstances at home and that's NOT including my mental health issues which i deal with every day and rececive ESA for."

Former Schoolmate-

"I dont need to understand, mental health issues dont stop you from working i work with people every day with mental health issues and know lots of people who work with those issues and still contribrute to society, even through volunteer work. The amount of time you spend in the pub, drinking my tax money, how does that effect your mental health?"

Me- ‎"I dont need to understand" that a purely ignorant comment peter,very closed minded,mental health is relative to the individual, This may be a novel concept to yout but people with mental health issues ARE entitled to have as many pints in the pub as they want whether it 1 or 10 a day(can be quite relaxing actually,speaking from personal experince), you have zero idea how long i actually DONT spend IN the pub these days not that i have to explain to you, i'm free man,i'm free you seem locked in a prison,i'm free man http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOt2fNDl7iE (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HOt2fNDl7iE)

Former Schoolmate-

Yes Stuart your free to hang about Falkirk and go to Witherspoons. Great freedom, you can keep it mate I would rather be traveling the world and bringing up my son to respect life and living it. I dont pretend to know you issues regarding metal health but it is clear from what you post on here that you clearly have plenty of issues and as far as not working, well that clearly is a life choice for you. Just from your ability to converse so much on here there is clearly jobs out there you could be doing even if that was a couple of hours voluntary work here and there to pay something back to the society that provides you with the money to live and buy those pints which relax you so much. But rather than spend a couple of hours giving back you would spend a couple of hours in the pub. I know people who have clearly got mental or physical health problems which prevent them from ever working and I am more than happy to pay taxes to support these people but not for people to sit in a pub or on a social network site all day. You talk political on here all the time its a SOCIAL site, here is one definition - seeking or enjoying the companionship of others; friendly; sociable; gregarious."