View Full Version : What is going on!

20-06-12, 18:19
I have had a solid painless lump on my Jaw line for almost 3 month. It first appeared after a really severe bout of tonsillitis. I visited the Dentist because it was painful and she said it was a cyst. So she prescribed me with a course of antibiotics. Since then it hasn't gone away it just sat there. It almost feels like part of my jaw.

Since having it I keep getting tonsillitis and mouth ulcers. At one point all the lymph nodes in my neck swelled.

I really dont know what it is.

Im a 20 year old smoker (5 a day)

Anyone got any advise? Would be greatly appreciated


20-06-12, 20:32
If it's under the jaw by the ear, it sounds like swollen glands. My daughter had this, though she had no symptoms and hadn't been ill. It took weeks to go, but it's a sign that the body has been fighting an infection of some sort.

I would see your GP just to be certain - ours was going to do blood tests if it hadn't have gone of it's own accord. It could be a cyst, but again it would be worth letting your GP have a look.

20-06-12, 20:47
I have them also under my jawline they are like marbles and are hard not sure if they move But it's very hard to get them to. I've had them for ages and they haven't got bigger
I was worried recently about them

21-06-12, 10:00
Sounds like a lymph node to me from when you were ill. They come up straight away but take ages to go down especially if you keep touching it.
Leave it alone for a week or so and I'm sure it'll go down a bit x