View Full Version : save me from myself

20-06-12, 22:39
hi everyone
im turnin to u peoplecoz u r or have been through the same things as me.
i am struggling with deprestion but my mood goes from realy low,like friday (i ODed) and this afternoon i feel like i could take on the world. i felt great but than come crashing down. iv been lookin into dipolar i have ased my gp about this but he says it isnt, but im not sure. iv done loads or googlin about it and i fit. what should i do i was gona tell my heath visitor, nut it seems so extream. what do u all think xxx

20-06-12, 23:02
Nic, your post is blank lol

Tiny, I think you should mention your thoughts about being bipolar again but depression itself can cause fluctuating moods. It depends on the degree of highs & lows but only a psychiatrist can diagnose.

Are you receiving any treatment? Meds or non-meds?

20-06-12, 23:15
Bit like my mind MM lol

It was because I moved it from the Intro forum to here

21-06-12, 00:11
I agree with M77, I asked my Doctor if I could be 'mildly' bipolar as I have ups and downs but don't quite fit the extreme swings others deal with. My Doc said the diagnosis of Bipolar needs to be made by a psychiatrist.


21-06-12, 17:47
Hi Tiny, I'm the same, my mood changes from day to day, even within the same day. I think I may be bipolar but it almost feels like after my low, some chemical gets to my brain extremely fast, which lifts me. Then I think that I'm not going to come back down and i'm sorted, back to how I was. It's got to be an imbalance of chemical. I'm taking no meds, hoping it'll go away.

23-06-12, 08:06
Go and see your doctor