View Full Version : result worry

21-06-12, 12:21
hi i had a barium test a couple of weeks ago and the result is mild acid reflux and a narrowing somewhere down there, does anyone know what causes the narrowing and could it be serious the doc gave me lansoprazole 30mg once a day :unsure:

21-06-12, 20:49
Hi Susan

I think Lanzaparole is fairly standard for Acid Reflux, my little boy has it and has to go for a barium meal and a PH Probe in a few weeks and they have prescribed him Lanzaparole.

I've been reading up on this quite a bit since he has been sufferng it and from what I've read then acid itself can lead to the narrowing. Apparently when acid damages the osophaegus it can lead to scar tissue, which can then build up and cause a narrowing.

Hope that is of some use, since I've been reading it I'm amazed b how common it is.

Take Care x

21-06-12, 20:56
Yep, my elderly father is on it for stomach upsets. It's very commonly prescribed.

21-06-12, 21:10
I don't think it is anything to worry about. I'm on omeprazole 20mg a day which does the same as lansoprazole. Everyone in my family is on lansoprasole.

These are drugs known as proton pump inhibitors. They stop little pumps in your stomach from producing excess acid, resulting in things like acid reflux.

21-06-12, 23:30
thankyou :)

---------- Post added at 23:30 ---------- Previous post was at 23:07 ----------

does the narrowing heal eventually? or does it stay like it ?:)